Interface MenuPanelOptions

public interface MenuPanelOptions
Configuration for opening a javascript "panel" with configuration options from a menu. Includes the panel's class and specific options for the panel.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getPanelClass()
    Returns class for the panel.
    java.lang.String getPanelConfig()
    This method returns a string representation of a json object that can be used to generate JSONObject.
    void setPanelClass​(java.lang.String panelClass)
    Sets the panel's class
    void setPanelConfig​(java.lang.String panelConfig)
    This methods accepts a string object which is a representation of a json object.
  • Method Details

    • getPanelClass

      java.lang.String getPanelClass()
      Returns class for the panel. Such as: JS_PANEL, One.Report etc.
    • setPanelClass

      void setPanelClass​(java.lang.String panelClass)
      Sets the panel's class
      panelClass - - class for the panel. Such as: JS_PANEL, One.Report etc.
    • getPanelConfig

      java.lang.String getPanelConfig()
      This method returns a string representation of a json object that can be used to generate JSONObject.
       JSONObject json = new JSONObject(getPanelConfig());
      Return string that contains configuration for a panel.
    • setPanelConfig

      void setPanelConfig​(java.lang.String panelConfig)
      This methods accepts a string object which is a representation of a json object.
       JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
      panelConfig - - configuration for the panel