Interface UserContextService

All Superinterfaces:

public interface UserContextService
extends Service
Service for acquiring and manipulating PlatformUserContext and PlatformUserProfile objects.
  • Method Details

    • createContext

      PlatformUserContext createContext​(java.lang.Long userId, java.lang.Long roleId)
      Given a user id and role id, initialize and returns a suitable PlatformUserContext.
      userId - surrogate id of the user for which to create a context
      roleId - surrogate id of the role the user should play ... may be null, in which case the user's last used role will be used. If no last role id on user, then first available role will be used. If user has no roles available, then exception will be thrown. If explicit roleId is provided and no such role exists then an exception will be thrown.
      PlatformUserContext context object which uses the given user/role information
    • createContext

      PlatformUserContext createContext​(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String roleEnt, java.lang.String roleOrg, java.lang.String roleSite)
      Given natural key information for a user and role, returns a suitable PlatformUserContext.
      userName - user name
      roleName - role name
      roleEnt - role enterprise name (or null if VC role)
      roleOrg - role org name (or null if VC or Ent role)
      roleSite - role site name (or n ull if VC or Ent or Org role)
      PlatformUserContext context object which uses the given user/role information
    • createDefaultEnterpriseAdminContext

      PlatformUserContext createDefaultEnterpriseAdminContext​(java.lang.Long valueChainId, java.lang.String enterpriseName)
      Returns a context with Administrative privileges for the Enterprise with the given id and enterprise name. The Enterprise Admin has permission to all data within the given enterprise, so this context can be used with APIs like ModelDataService to execute queries free of role type permissions.

      Throws a RuntimeException if no user is found with administrative privileges for the Enterprise.

      When choosing a default Enterprise Administrator context, first preference is given to a role having name {enterpriseName}Admin,e.g. if enterprise name is SampleEnterprise then the role name used will be SampleEnterpriseAdmin. If role with such a name is not found (or has no users), then any available role of type ENTERPRISE_ADMINISTRATOR is used (ordered by name alphabetically when choosing a default). If multiple users are have this role, the user with the first name appearing alphabetically will be used.

      valueChainId - id of the ValueChain for which we want a default admin context
      enterpriseName - enterprise name for which we want a default enterprise admin context
      PlatformUserContext context with Administrative privileges for the Enterprise with the given id and enterprise name.
    • createDefaultValueChainAdminContext

      PlatformUserContext createDefaultValueChainAdminContext​(java.lang.Long valueChainId)
      Returns a context with Administrative privileges for the ValueChain with the given id. The Value Chain Admin has permission to all data within the given value chain, so this context can be used in context with APIs like ModelDataService to execute queries free of role type permissions.
      valueChainId - id of the ValueChain for which we want a default admin context
      PlatformUserContext context with Administrative privileges for the ValueChain with the given id.
    • createDefaultInstanceAdminContext

      PlatformUserContext createDefaultInstanceAdminContext()
      Returns a context with Administrative privileges for the entire Platform instance (permissions cross all Value Chains). Instance Admin users have access to all data across all value chains, and so can be used in context with APIs like ModelDataService to execute queries completely free of permissoins.
      PlatformUserContext context with Administrative privileges for the entire Platform instance
    • fromJSONObject

      PlatformUserContext fromJSONObject​(org.json.JSONObject platformUserContextParams)
      Creates PlatformUserContext object from JSON object. JSON object should be in the format like below. { RoleName: ..., RoleTypeName: ..., UserName: ..., UserEntId: ..., UserEntName: ..., EntName: ..., OrgName: ..., SiteName: ..., ValueChainId: ..., ValueChainName: ..., UserId: ..., EntId: ..., OrgId: ..., SiteId: ..., RoleId: ... }
      platformUserContextParams -
    • getPlatformUserProfile

      PlatformUserProfile getPlatformUserProfile​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Fetches and returns the PlatformUserProfile from the current web session
      request - http request
      PlatformUserProfile from the current web session
    • getPlatformUserProfile

      PlatformUserProfile getPlatformUserProfile​(PlatformUserContext userContext, java.util.Locale locale)
      use #getUserLocale(PlatformUserContext)
      Creates a new PlatformUserProfile using the given user and a client-provided Locale
      request - http request
      locale - Loacle to use when internationalizing the given user's content
      PlatformUserProfile containing the given user and locale
    • getPlatformUserProfile

      PlatformUserProfile getPlatformUserProfile​(PlatformUserContext userContext)
      Creates a new PlatformUserProfile using the given user and user's preferred Locale
      request - http request
      PlatformUserProfile containing the given user and user's preferred locale