BasePivotTable |
TODO complete the class documentation
NeoAction |
This Component deals with action button
NeoAddressMenu |
This class represents the NeoAddress popup element of the react UI
NeoAddressTriggerField |
This class represents the NeoAddressTrigger Field of the React UI
NeoAdvancedTable |
Represents an instance of NeoAdvanced Tabulator table
NeoAlertInboxSlideout |
Represents an instance of the Alert Inbox Perspective of Neo UI
NeoAlertWidget |
Represents an instance of Alert widget popup
from the Global sidebar
TODO add support for filters and ComboFields
NeoAttachmentsField |
This class represents the Attachments field component of react which can be used to upload files
NeoAutocompleteField |
This field represents the AutocompleteFeild react Component
NeoBooleanField |
Represents an instance of the Boolean fields
on the NEO UI
NeoButton |
Represents an instance of button field for Neo UI screens
NeoCheckBoxGroupField |
Represents an instance of the checkboxgroup field on the NEO UI
NeoComboField |
TODO complete the class documentation
NeoComponent |
NeoCompositeField |
Represent an instance of composite field on the NEO UI
NeoContainer |
NeoDashboard |
This class represents the Dashboard container for
the Neo UI.
NeoDateRangeField |
Represents the date range react components.
NeoDateTimeField |
This represents the NeoDateTimeField React Component
NeoDisplayField |
This class represents the NeoDisplay Field.
NeoDurationField |
Represents an instance of duration field for Neo UI screens
NeoFilterPanel |
This class represents the NeoFilterPanel React component
NeoFrame |
NeoGenericModelLinkField |
Class to represent NeoGenericModelLinkField react component
NeoGlobalSearch |
This class represents the NeoGlobalSearch popup widget that is
used to perform Global Search
NeoGlobalSidebar |
Represents an instance of the Global sidebar of the NEO UI
NeoHyperlink |
TODO complete the class documentation
NeoLegacyPerspective |
Represents an implementation of Frame class
to represents older legacy components like TLV, Report etc
NeoMenuSearch |
This class represents the NeoMenuSearch component
used to perform Menu Search
NeoMessagePanel |
Represents an instance of the Message panel
on the NEO UI
NeoModelLinkField |
Class to represent NeoModelLinkField react component
TODO implement methods like setMultipleValueInExact and select value from picker
NeoPerspective |
Represents an individual perspective within the Neo Desktop.
NeoProblemDetails |
Represents an instance of Problem summary row.
NeoProblemSummary |
Represents an instance of Problem summary.
NeoProblemWidget |
Represents an instance of Problem widget popup
from the Global sidebar
TODO add support for filters, ComboFields and Model Link Field
NeoRadioGroupField |
Represents an instance of radio group field for Neo UI screens
NeoReport |
TODO complete the class documentation
NeoTabbedPane |
Represents an instance of tab on the Neo UI screen
NeoTable |
An object representation for the Web element Table
used in the NEO UI
NeoTextAreaField |
Represents an instance of the textarea field
on the NEO UI
NeoTextField |
Represents an instance of the input text fields
on the NEO UI
NeoToggleField |
Represents an instance of the Toggle field
on the NEO UI
NeoUserProfile |
Represents an instance of User slide out popper
providing direct access to functionalities like logout, switch User,
Navigate to user settings view.
NeoWidget |
This class represents an instance of
NeoWidgets that are present on the
Neo Dashboard
NeoWidgetFilter |
Represents an instance of Neo widget filter window
NeoWindow |
This represents element of NeoWindow component
that generally refers to the pop-ups screens/windows