
Classes which are used for writing UI tests; they utilize the Selenium API to help interact with pages written with ExtJS and OneJS. In a very basic test, you will use CommandCenter to login and open a new Tab, which you will use to manipulate fields and execute actions like any normal user would.

Additionally, there is a UIContext object which gets created when instantiating the CommandCenter and subsequently passed through all Components. If you find one of the Components is lacking in functionality, you can override the UIContext object and pass it into a constructor for CommandCenter, allowing you to alter much of the default functionality. See the docs for UIContext for more detailed information.

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    This interface needs to be implemented by NeoDesktop CommandCenter and declares the common methods in both the classes
    Interface to represents the frame WebElement in the Neo UI
    Clients can register instances of this interface to receive notifications when UIContext objects are created.
    A simple interface with a run() method which can throw a checked exception.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Base class for UI Tests which should execute inside the Platform server (via Cactus).
    Base class for selenium-based "UITest" classes.
    Used to interact with the Command Center, performing actions such as logging in with a given username/password and opening menu items.
    This class is used to store node details on which current driver is running as a JSON Object
    Custom implementation for RemoteWebDriver
    This class is best described as the "backbone" for Platform's Selenium API.
    JUnit Runner which will take screenshots of undisposed selenium contexts before tearDown of a failed test method.
  • Annotation Types Summary 
    Annotation Type Description
    You can optionally add the @OrderedUITest annotation to your UITest class methods to control the order in which they are run.