Class Shipment

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Shipment
extends com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
The Shipment model is used to represent the transfer of goods from one party to another. The party who sends the shipment is called the Shipper and the party that receives the shipment is called the consignee. The shipment may orignate from a location that is different from the location of the shipper and may go to a location that is different from that of the consignee. The Shipmment lifecycle starts with the creation of a Shipment by an Organization. This Organization is called the "Creation Org". The Creation Org usually, but not always, manages the Shipment Lifecyle too.

Java class for Shipment complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="Shipment">
     <extension base="{}Model">
         <element name="ActionExecTime" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ActionName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="InputRefId" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="Error" type="{}Error" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ValueChainId" type="{}long"/>
         <element name="ShipmentNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationEnterpriseName" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="CreationOrganizationName" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="ShipFromEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromSiteName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToSiteName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromPartnerOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromPartnerSiteAlias" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromPartnerName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromPartnerProfileName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromAddress" type="{}Address" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipFromContact" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToPartnerEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToPartnerOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToPartnerSiteAlias" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToAddress" type="{}Address" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToContact" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToPartnerName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipToPartnerProfileName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TransportationControllingEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TransportationControllingOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CurrentCarrierEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CurrentCarrierOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CurrentCarrierContact" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BrokerEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BrokerOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BrokerSiteName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationUser" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="LastModifiedDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="LastModifiedUser" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="LevelModifiedDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="LastComputedDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="LastTouchedDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BillToEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BillToOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BillToSiteName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BillToAddress" type="{}Address" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BillToContact" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="EarliestShipTargetDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="EstimatedShipDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ActualPickupDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupDateRangeStart" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupDateRangeEnd" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupAppointmentRequired" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupReservationGrpId" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupAppointmentDateRangeStart" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupAppointmentCode" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="EarliestDeliveryTargetDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="EstimatedDeliveryDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ActualDeliveryDate" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryDateRangeStart" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryDateRangeEnd" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryAppointmentRequired" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryReservationGrpId" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd" type="{}DateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryAppointmentCode" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="LoadType" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CurrentPosition" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="OrderRefNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="MasterShipmentNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalVolume" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="VolumeUnitOfMeasure" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalWeight" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="WeightUnitOfMeasure" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalShippedQuantity" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalReceivedQuantity" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalOrderedQuantity" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="QuantityUnitOfMeasure" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalShippedQuantity2" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalReceivedQuantity2" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TotalOrderedQuantity2" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="QuantityUnitOfMeasure2" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="FreightTerms" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="SpecialInstructions" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupCommodityCode" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryCommodityCode" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupDockDoorGroupName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryDockDoorGroupName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="FreightControlledBySystem" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="State" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="AttachedNotes" type="{}AttachedNotes" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="AttachedNoteCount" type="{}long" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipmentLine" type="{}ShipmentLine" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="Udfs" type="{}NameValuePairList" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="Issue" type="{}Issue" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ParentShipmentNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BillOfLadingNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="RoutingNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BuyerEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BuyerOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BuyerContact" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="BuyerAddress" type="{}Address" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="SellerEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="SellerOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="SellerContact" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="SellerAddress" type="{}Address" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="Description" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="FOBLocation" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="FOBNotes" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CurrentPositionLongitude" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CurrentPositionLatitude" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TransactionCost" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="RecoveredLostSalesValue" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="RecoveredLostSalesDays" type="{}NullableDouble" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ShipWithGroupRef" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="Priority" type="{}long" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="MovementCreationEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="MovementCreationOrganizationName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="PickupNotifications" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="DeliveryNotifications" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationTemplateName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationTemplateBaseTemplateName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationTemplateOwningOrgName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationTemplateOwningUserName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="CreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element ref="{}MDFs" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="Attribute" type="{}AttributeValue" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getActionExecTime

      public java.util.Calendar getActionExecTime()
      Gets the value of the actionExecTime property.
      possible object is String
    • setActionExecTime

      public void setActionExecTime​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the actionExecTime property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetActionExecTime

      public boolean isSetActionExecTime()
    • getActionName

      public java.lang.String getActionName()
      Gets the value of the actionName property.
      getActionName in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      possible object is String
    • setActionName

      public void setActionName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the actionName property.
      setActionName in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetActionName

      public boolean isSetActionName()
    • getInputRefId

      public java.lang.String getInputRefId()
      Gets the value of the inputRefId property.
      possible object is String
    • setInputRefId

      public void setInputRefId​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the inputRefId property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetInputRefId

      public boolean isSetInputRefId()
    • getError

      public StatusMessage getError()
      Gets the value of the error property.
      Specified by:
      getError in interface Model
      getError in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      possible object is ErrorDef
    • setError

      public void setError​(StatusMessage value)
      Sets the value of the error property.
      Specified by:
      setError in interface Model
      setError in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      value - allowed object is ErrorDef
    • isSetError

      public boolean isSetError()
    • getValueChainId

      public long getValueChainId()
      Gets the value of the valueChainId property.
    • setValueChainId

      public void setValueChainId​(long value)
      Sets the value of the valueChainId property.
    • isSetValueChainId

      public boolean isSetValueChainId()
    • getShipmentNumber

      public java.lang.String getShipmentNumber()
      Gets the value of the shipmentNumber property.
      possible object is String
    • setShipmentNumber

      public void setShipmentNumber​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the shipmentNumber property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetShipmentNumber

      public boolean isSetShipmentNumber()
    • getCreationEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getCreationEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the creationEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetCreationEnterpriseName()
    • getCreationOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getCreationOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the creationOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetCreationOrganizationName()
    • getShipFromEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getShipFromEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the shipFromEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetShipFromEnterpriseName()
    • getShipFromOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getShipFromOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the shipFromOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetShipFromOrganizationName()
    • getShipFromSiteName

      public java.lang.String getShipFromSiteName()
      Gets the value of the shipFromSiteName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromSiteName

      public boolean isSetShipFromSiteName()
    • getShipToEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getShipToEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the shipToEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetShipToEnterpriseName()
    • getShipToOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getShipToOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the shipToOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetShipToOrganizationName()
    • getShipToSiteName

      public java.lang.String getShipToSiteName()
      Gets the value of the shipToSiteName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToSiteName

      public boolean isSetShipToSiteName()
    • getShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName()
    • getShipFromPartnerOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getShipFromPartnerOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the shipFromPartnerOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromPartnerOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetShipFromPartnerOrganizationName()
    • getShipFromPartnerSiteAlias

      public java.lang.String getShipFromPartnerSiteAlias()
      Gets the value of the shipFromPartnerSiteAlias property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromPartnerSiteAlias

      public boolean isSetShipFromPartnerSiteAlias()
    • getShipFromPartnerName

      public java.lang.String getShipFromPartnerName()
      Gets the value of the shipFromPartnerName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromPartnerName

      public boolean isSetShipFromPartnerName()
    • getShipFromPartnerProfileName

      public java.lang.String getShipFromPartnerProfileName()
      Gets the value of the shipFromPartnerProfileName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipFromPartnerProfileName

      public boolean isSetShipFromPartnerProfileName()
    • getShipFromAddress

      public Address getShipFromAddress()
      Gets the value of the shipFromAddress property.
      possible object is AddressImpl
    • setShipFromAddress

      public void setShipFromAddress​(Address value)
      Sets the value of the shipFromAddress property.
      value - allowed object is AddressImpl
    • isSetShipFromAddress

      public boolean isSetShipFromAddress()
    • getShipFromContact

      public java.lang.String getShipFromContact()
      Gets the value of the shipFromContact property.
      possible object is String
    • setShipFromContact

      public void setShipFromContact​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the shipFromContact property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetShipFromContact

      public boolean isSetShipFromContact()
    • getShipToPartnerEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getShipToPartnerEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the shipToPartnerEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToPartnerEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetShipToPartnerEnterpriseName()
    • getShipToPartnerOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getShipToPartnerOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the shipToPartnerOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToPartnerOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetShipToPartnerOrganizationName()
    • getShipToPartnerSiteAlias

      public java.lang.String getShipToPartnerSiteAlias()
      Gets the value of the shipToPartnerSiteAlias property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToPartnerSiteAlias

      public boolean isSetShipToPartnerSiteAlias()
    • getShipToAddress

      public Address getShipToAddress()
      Gets the value of the shipToAddress property.
      possible object is AddressImpl
    • setShipToAddress

      public void setShipToAddress​(Address value)
      Sets the value of the shipToAddress property.
      value - allowed object is AddressImpl
    • isSetShipToAddress

      public boolean isSetShipToAddress()
    • getShipToContact

      public java.lang.String getShipToContact()
      Gets the value of the shipToContact property.
      possible object is String
    • setShipToContact

      public void setShipToContact​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the shipToContact property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetShipToContact

      public boolean isSetShipToContact()
    • getShipToPartnerName

      public java.lang.String getShipToPartnerName()
      Gets the value of the shipToPartnerName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToPartnerName

      public boolean isSetShipToPartnerName()
    • getShipToPartnerProfileName

      public java.lang.String getShipToPartnerProfileName()
      Gets the value of the shipToPartnerProfileName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetShipToPartnerProfileName

      public boolean isSetShipToPartnerProfileName()
    • getTransportationControllingEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getTransportationControllingEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the transportationControllingEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetTransportationControllingEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetTransportationControllingEnterpriseName()
    • getTransportationControllingOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getTransportationControllingOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the transportationControllingOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetTransportationControllingOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetTransportationControllingOrganizationName()
    • getCustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getCustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the customerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetCustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName()
    • getCustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getCustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the customerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetCustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName()
    • getCurrentCarrierEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getCurrentCarrierEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the currentCarrierEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCurrentCarrierEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetCurrentCarrierEnterpriseName()
    • getCurrentCarrierOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getCurrentCarrierOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the currentCarrierOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCurrentCarrierOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetCurrentCarrierOrganizationName()
    • getCurrentCarrierContact

      public java.lang.String getCurrentCarrierContact()
      Gets the value of the currentCarrierContact property.
      possible object is String
    • setCurrentCarrierContact

      public void setCurrentCarrierContact​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the currentCarrierContact property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetCurrentCarrierContact

      public boolean isSetCurrentCarrierContact()
    • getBrokerEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getBrokerEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the brokerEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBrokerEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetBrokerEnterpriseName()
    • getBrokerOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getBrokerOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the brokerOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBrokerOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetBrokerOrganizationName()
    • getBrokerSiteName

      public java.lang.String getBrokerSiteName()
      Gets the value of the brokerSiteName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBrokerSiteName

      public boolean isSetBrokerSiteName()
    • getCreationUser

      public java.lang.String getCreationUser()
      Gets the value of the creationUser property.
      possible object is String
    • setCreationUser

      public void setCreationUser​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the creationUser property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetCreationUser

      public boolean isSetCreationUser()
    • getCreationDate

      public java.util.Calendar getCreationDate()
      Gets the value of the creationDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setCreationDate

      public void setCreationDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the creationDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetCreationDate

      public boolean isSetCreationDate()
    • getLastModifiedDate

      public java.util.Calendar getLastModifiedDate()
      Gets the value of the lastModifiedDate property.
      Specified by:
      getLastModifiedDate in interface Model
      getLastModifiedDate in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      possible object is String
    • setLastModifiedDate

      public void setLastModifiedDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the lastModifiedDate property.
      Specified by:
      setLastModifiedDate in interface Model
      setLastModifiedDate in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetLastModifiedDate

      public boolean isSetLastModifiedDate()
    • getLastModifiedUser

      public java.lang.String getLastModifiedUser()
      Gets the value of the lastModifiedUser property.
      Specified by:
      getLastModifiedUser in interface Model
      getLastModifiedUser in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      possible object is String
    • setLastModifiedUser

      public void setLastModifiedUser​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the lastModifiedUser property.
      Specified by:
      setLastModifiedUser in interface Model
      setLastModifiedUser in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetLastModifiedUser

      public boolean isSetLastModifiedUser()
    • getLevelModifiedDate

      public java.util.Calendar getLevelModifiedDate()
      Gets the value of the levelModifiedDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setLevelModifiedDate

      public void setLevelModifiedDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the levelModifiedDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetLevelModifiedDate

      public boolean isSetLevelModifiedDate()
    • getLastComputedDate

      public java.util.Calendar getLastComputedDate()
      Gets the value of the lastComputedDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setLastComputedDate

      public void setLastComputedDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the lastComputedDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetLastComputedDate

      public boolean isSetLastComputedDate()
    • getLastTouchedDate

      public java.util.Calendar getLastTouchedDate()
      Gets the value of the lastTouchedDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setLastTouchedDate

      public void setLastTouchedDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the lastTouchedDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetLastTouchedDate

      public boolean isSetLastTouchedDate()
    • getBillToEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getBillToEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the billToEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBillToEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetBillToEnterpriseName()
    • getBillToOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getBillToOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the billToOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBillToOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetBillToOrganizationName()
    • getBillToSiteName

      public java.lang.String getBillToSiteName()
      Gets the value of the billToSiteName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBillToSiteName

      public boolean isSetBillToSiteName()
    • getBillToAddress

      public Address getBillToAddress()
      Gets the value of the billToAddress property.
      possible object is AddressImpl
    • setBillToAddress

      public void setBillToAddress​(Address value)
      Sets the value of the billToAddress property.
      value - allowed object is AddressImpl
    • isSetBillToAddress

      public boolean isSetBillToAddress()
    • getBillToContact

      public java.lang.String getBillToContact()
      Gets the value of the billToContact property.
      possible object is String
    • setBillToContact

      public void setBillToContact​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the billToContact property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetBillToContact

      public boolean isSetBillToContact()
    • getEarliestShipTargetDate

      public java.util.Calendar getEarliestShipTargetDate()
      Gets the value of the earliestShipTargetDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setEarliestShipTargetDate

      public void setEarliestShipTargetDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the earliestShipTargetDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetEarliestShipTargetDate

      public boolean isSetEarliestShipTargetDate()
    • getEstimatedShipDate

      public java.util.Calendar getEstimatedShipDate()
      Gets the value of the estimatedShipDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setEstimatedShipDate

      public void setEstimatedShipDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the estimatedShipDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetEstimatedShipDate

      public boolean isSetEstimatedShipDate()
    • getActualPickupDate

      public java.util.Calendar getActualPickupDate()
      Gets the value of the actualPickupDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setActualPickupDate

      public void setActualPickupDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the actualPickupDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetActualPickupDate

      public boolean isSetActualPickupDate()
    • getPickupDateRangeStart

      public java.util.Calendar getPickupDateRangeStart()
      Gets the value of the pickupDateRangeStart property.
      possible object is String
    • setPickupDateRangeStart

      public void setPickupDateRangeStart​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the pickupDateRangeStart property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetPickupDateRangeStart

      public boolean isSetPickupDateRangeStart()
    • getPickupDateRangeEnd

      public java.util.Calendar getPickupDateRangeEnd()
      Gets the value of the pickupDateRangeEnd property.
      possible object is String
    • setPickupDateRangeEnd

      public void setPickupDateRangeEnd​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the pickupDateRangeEnd property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetPickupDateRangeEnd

      public boolean isSetPickupDateRangeEnd()
    • setPickupAppointmentRequired

      public void setPickupAppointmentRequired​(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the pickupAppointmentRequired property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isSetPickupAppointmentRequired

      public boolean isSetPickupAppointmentRequired()
    • getPickupReservationGrpId

      public java.lang.String getPickupReservationGrpId()
      Gets the value of the pickupReservationGrpId property.
      possible object is String
    • setPickupReservationGrpId

      public void setPickupReservationGrpId​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the pickupReservationGrpId property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetPickupReservationGrpId

      public boolean isSetPickupReservationGrpId()
    • getPickupAppointmentDateRangeStart

      public java.util.Calendar getPickupAppointmentDateRangeStart()
      Gets the value of the pickupAppointmentDateRangeStart property.
      possible object is String
    • setPickupAppointmentDateRangeStart

      public void setPickupAppointmentDateRangeStart​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the pickupAppointmentDateRangeStart property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetPickupAppointmentDateRangeStart

      public boolean isSetPickupAppointmentDateRangeStart()
    • getPickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd

      public java.util.Calendar getPickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd()
      Gets the value of the pickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd property.
      possible object is String
    • setPickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd

      public void setPickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the pickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetPickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd

      public boolean isSetPickupAppointmentDateRangeEnd()
    • getPickupAppointmentCode

      public java.lang.String getPickupAppointmentCode()
      Gets the value of the pickupAppointmentCode property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetPickupAppointmentCode

      public boolean isSetPickupAppointmentCode()
    • getEarliestDeliveryTargetDate

      public java.util.Calendar getEarliestDeliveryTargetDate()
      Gets the value of the earliestDeliveryTargetDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setEarliestDeliveryTargetDate

      public void setEarliestDeliveryTargetDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the earliestDeliveryTargetDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetEarliestDeliveryTargetDate

      public boolean isSetEarliestDeliveryTargetDate()
    • getEstimatedDeliveryDate

      public java.util.Calendar getEstimatedDeliveryDate()
      Gets the value of the estimatedDeliveryDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setEstimatedDeliveryDate

      public void setEstimatedDeliveryDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the estimatedDeliveryDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetEstimatedDeliveryDate

      public boolean isSetEstimatedDeliveryDate()
    • getActualDeliveryDate

      public java.util.Calendar getActualDeliveryDate()
      Gets the value of the actualDeliveryDate property.
      possible object is String
    • setActualDeliveryDate

      public void setActualDeliveryDate​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the actualDeliveryDate property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetActualDeliveryDate

      public boolean isSetActualDeliveryDate()
    • getDeliveryDateRangeStart

      public java.util.Calendar getDeliveryDateRangeStart()
      Gets the value of the deliveryDateRangeStart property.
      possible object is String
    • setDeliveryDateRangeStart

      public void setDeliveryDateRangeStart​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the deliveryDateRangeStart property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetDeliveryDateRangeStart

      public boolean isSetDeliveryDateRangeStart()
    • getDeliveryDateRangeEnd

      public java.util.Calendar getDeliveryDateRangeEnd()
      Gets the value of the deliveryDateRangeEnd property.
      possible object is String
    • setDeliveryDateRangeEnd

      public void setDeliveryDateRangeEnd​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the deliveryDateRangeEnd property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetDeliveryDateRangeEnd

      public boolean isSetDeliveryDateRangeEnd()
    • setDeliveryAppointmentRequired

      public void setDeliveryAppointmentRequired​(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the deliveryAppointmentRequired property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isSetDeliveryAppointmentRequired

      public boolean isSetDeliveryAppointmentRequired()
    • getDeliveryReservationGrpId

      public java.lang.String getDeliveryReservationGrpId()
      Gets the value of the deliveryReservationGrpId property.
      possible object is String
    • setDeliveryReservationGrpId

      public void setDeliveryReservationGrpId​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the deliveryReservationGrpId property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetDeliveryReservationGrpId

      public boolean isSetDeliveryReservationGrpId()
    • getDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart

      public java.util.Calendar getDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart()
      Gets the value of the deliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart property.
      possible object is String
    • setDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart

      public void setDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the deliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart

      public boolean isSetDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeStart()
    • getDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd

      public java.util.Calendar getDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd()
      Gets the value of the deliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd property.
      possible object is String
    • setDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd

      public void setDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd​(java.util.Calendar value)
      Sets the value of the deliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd

      public boolean isSetDeliveryAppointmentDateRangeEnd()
    • getDeliveryAppointmentCode

      public java.lang.String getDeliveryAppointmentCode()
      Gets the value of the deliveryAppointmentCode property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetDeliveryAppointmentCode

      public boolean isSetDeliveryAppointmentCode()
    • getLoadType

      public java.lang.String getLoadType()
      Gets the value of the loadType property.
      possible object is String
    • setLoadType

      public void setLoadType​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the loadType property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetLoadType

      public boolean isSetLoadType()
    • getCurrentPosition

      public java.lang.String getCurrentPosition()
      Gets the value of the currentPosition property.
      possible object is String
    • setCurrentPosition

      public void setCurrentPosition​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the currentPosition property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetCurrentPosition

      public boolean isSetCurrentPosition()
    • getOrderRefNumber

      public java.lang.String getOrderRefNumber()
      Gets the value of the orderRefNumber property.
      possible object is String
    • setOrderRefNumber

      public void setOrderRefNumber​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the orderRefNumber property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetOrderRefNumber

      public boolean isSetOrderRefNumber()
    • getMasterShipmentNumber

      public java.lang.String getMasterShipmentNumber()
      Gets the value of the masterShipmentNumber property.
      possible object is String
    • setMasterShipmentNumber

      public void setMasterShipmentNumber​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the masterShipmentNumber property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetMasterShipmentNumber

      public boolean isSetMasterShipmentNumber()
    • setTotalVolume

      public void setTotalVolume​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalVolume property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalVolume

      public boolean isSetTotalVolume()
    • getVolumeUnitOfMeasure

      public java.lang.String getVolumeUnitOfMeasure()
      Gets the value of the volumeUnitOfMeasure property.
      possible object is String
    • setVolumeUnitOfMeasure

      public void setVolumeUnitOfMeasure​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the volumeUnitOfMeasure property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetVolumeUnitOfMeasure

      public boolean isSetVolumeUnitOfMeasure()
    • setTotalWeight

      public void setTotalWeight​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalWeight property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalWeight

      public boolean isSetTotalWeight()
    • getWeightUnitOfMeasure

      public java.lang.String getWeightUnitOfMeasure()
      Gets the value of the weightUnitOfMeasure property.
      possible object is String
    • setWeightUnitOfMeasure

      public void setWeightUnitOfMeasure​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the weightUnitOfMeasure property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetWeightUnitOfMeasure

      public boolean isSetWeightUnitOfMeasure()
    • setTotalShippedQuantity

      public void setTotalShippedQuantity​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalShippedQuantity property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalShippedQuantity

      public boolean isSetTotalShippedQuantity()
    • setTotalReceivedQuantity

      public void setTotalReceivedQuantity​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalReceivedQuantity property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalReceivedQuantity

      public boolean isSetTotalReceivedQuantity()
    • setTotalOrderedQuantity

      public void setTotalOrderedQuantity​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalOrderedQuantity property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalOrderedQuantity

      public boolean isSetTotalOrderedQuantity()
    • getQuantityUnitOfMeasure

      public java.lang.String getQuantityUnitOfMeasure()
      Gets the value of the quantityUnitOfMeasure property.
      possible object is String
    • setQuantityUnitOfMeasure

      public void setQuantityUnitOfMeasure​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the quantityUnitOfMeasure property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetQuantityUnitOfMeasure

      public boolean isSetQuantityUnitOfMeasure()
    • setTotalShippedQuantity2

      public void setTotalShippedQuantity2​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalShippedQuantity2 property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalShippedQuantity2

      public boolean isSetTotalShippedQuantity2()
    • setTotalReceivedQuantity2

      public void setTotalReceivedQuantity2​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalReceivedQuantity2 property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalReceivedQuantity2

      public boolean isSetTotalReceivedQuantity2()
    • setTotalOrderedQuantity2

      public void setTotalOrderedQuantity2​(double value)
      Sets the value of the totalOrderedQuantity2 property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTotalOrderedQuantity2

      public boolean isSetTotalOrderedQuantity2()
    • getQuantityUnitOfMeasure2

      public java.lang.String getQuantityUnitOfMeasure2()
      Gets the value of the quantityUnitOfMeasure2 property.
      possible object is String
    • setQuantityUnitOfMeasure2

      public void setQuantityUnitOfMeasure2​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the quantityUnitOfMeasure2 property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetQuantityUnitOfMeasure2

      public boolean isSetQuantityUnitOfMeasure2()
    • getFreightTerms

      public java.lang.String getFreightTerms()
      Gets the value of the freightTerms property.
      possible object is String
    • setFreightTerms

      public void setFreightTerms​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the freightTerms property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetFreightTerms

      public boolean isSetFreightTerms()
    • getSpecialInstructions

      public java.lang.String getSpecialInstructions()
      Gets the value of the specialInstructions property.
      possible object is String
    • setSpecialInstructions

      public void setSpecialInstructions​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the specialInstructions property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetSpecialInstructions

      public boolean isSetSpecialInstructions()
    • getPickupCommodityCode

      public java.lang.String getPickupCommodityCode()
      Gets the value of the pickupCommodityCode property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetPickupCommodityCode

      public boolean isSetPickupCommodityCode()
    • getDeliveryCommodityCode

      public java.lang.String getDeliveryCommodityCode()
      Gets the value of the deliveryCommodityCode property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetDeliveryCommodityCode

      public boolean isSetDeliveryCommodityCode()
    • getPickupDockDoorGroupName

      public java.lang.String getPickupDockDoorGroupName()
      Gets the value of the pickupDockDoorGroupName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetPickupDockDoorGroupName

      public boolean isSetPickupDockDoorGroupName()
    • getDeliveryDockDoorGroupName

      public java.lang.String getDeliveryDockDoorGroupName()
      Gets the value of the deliveryDockDoorGroupName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetDeliveryDockDoorGroupName

      public boolean isSetDeliveryDockDoorGroupName()
    • setFreightControlledBySystem

      public void setFreightControlledBySystem​(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the freightControlledBySystem property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isSetFreightControlledBySystem

      public boolean isSetFreightControlledBySystem()
    • getState

      public java.lang.String getState()
      Gets the value of the state property.
      possible object is String
    • setState

      public void setState​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the state property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetState

      public boolean isSetState()
    • getAttachedNotes

      public AttachedNotes getAttachedNotes()
      Gets the value of the attachedNotes property.
      possible object is AttachedNotesImpl
    • setAttachedNotes

      public void setAttachedNotes​(AttachedNotes value)
      Sets the value of the attachedNotes property.
      value - allowed object is AttachedNotesImpl
    • isSetAttachedNotes

      public boolean isSetAttachedNotes()
    • setAttachedNoteCount

      public void setAttachedNoteCount​(long value)
      Sets the value of the attachedNoteCount property.
      value - allowed object is Long
    • isSetAttachedNoteCount

      public boolean isSetAttachedNoteCount()
    • getShipmentLines

      public java.util.List<ShipmentLine> getShipmentLines()
      Gets the value of the shipmentLines property.

      This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the shipmentLines property.

      For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


      Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list ShipmentLine

    • isSetShipmentLines

      public boolean isSetShipmentLines()
    • unsetShipmentLines

      public void unsetShipmentLines()
    • getUdfs

      public com.onenetwork.platform.common.NameValuePairList getUdfs()
      Gets the value of the udfs property.
      getUdfs in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      possible object is NameValuePairList
    • setUdfs

      public void setUdfs​(com.onenetwork.platform.common.NameValuePairList value)
      Sets the value of the udfs property.
      setUdfs in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
      value - allowed object is NameValuePairList
    • isSetUdfs

      public boolean isSetUdfs()
      isSetUdfs in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
    • getIssues

      public java.util.List<Issue> getIssues()
      Gets the value of the issues property.

      This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the issues property.

      For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


      Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list Issue

    • isSetIssues

      public boolean isSetIssues()
    • unsetIssues

      public void unsetIssues()
    • getParentShipmentNumber

      public java.lang.String getParentShipmentNumber()
      Gets the value of the parentShipmentNumber property.
      possible object is String
    • setParentShipmentNumber

      public void setParentShipmentNumber​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the parentShipmentNumber property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetParentShipmentNumber

      public boolean isSetParentShipmentNumber()
    • getParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the parentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName()
    • getParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the parentShipmentCreationOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName()
    • getBillOfLadingNumber

      public java.lang.String getBillOfLadingNumber()
      Gets the value of the billOfLadingNumber property.
      possible object is String
    • setBillOfLadingNumber

      public void setBillOfLadingNumber​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the billOfLadingNumber property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetBillOfLadingNumber

      public boolean isSetBillOfLadingNumber()
    • getRoutingNumber

      public java.lang.String getRoutingNumber()
      Gets the value of the routingNumber property.
      possible object is String
    • setRoutingNumber

      public void setRoutingNumber​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the routingNumber property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetRoutingNumber

      public boolean isSetRoutingNumber()
    • getBuyerEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getBuyerEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the buyerEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBuyerEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetBuyerEnterpriseName()
    • getBuyerOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getBuyerOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the buyerOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetBuyerOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetBuyerOrganizationName()
    • getBuyerContact

      public java.lang.String getBuyerContact()
      Gets the value of the buyerContact property.
      possible object is String
    • setBuyerContact

      public void setBuyerContact​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the buyerContact property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetBuyerContact

      public boolean isSetBuyerContact()
    • getBuyerAddress

      public Address getBuyerAddress()
      Gets the value of the buyerAddress property.
      possible object is AddressImpl
    • setBuyerAddress

      public void setBuyerAddress​(Address value)
      Sets the value of the buyerAddress property.
      value - allowed object is AddressImpl
    • isSetBuyerAddress

      public boolean isSetBuyerAddress()
    • getSellerEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getSellerEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the sellerEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetSellerEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetSellerEnterpriseName()
    • getSellerOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getSellerOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the sellerOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetSellerOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetSellerOrganizationName()
    • getSellerContact

      public java.lang.String getSellerContact()
      Gets the value of the sellerContact property.
      possible object is String
    • setSellerContact

      public void setSellerContact​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the sellerContact property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetSellerContact

      public boolean isSetSellerContact()
    • getSellerAddress

      public Address getSellerAddress()
      Gets the value of the sellerAddress property.
      possible object is AddressImpl
    • setSellerAddress

      public void setSellerAddress​(Address value)
      Sets the value of the sellerAddress property.
      value - allowed object is AddressImpl
    • isSetSellerAddress

      public boolean isSetSellerAddress()
    • getDescription

      public java.lang.String getDescription()
      Gets the value of the description property.
      possible object is String
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the description property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetDescription

      public boolean isSetDescription()
    • getFOBLocation

      public java.lang.String getFOBLocation()
      Gets the value of the fobLocation property.
      possible object is String
    • setFOBLocation

      public void setFOBLocation​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the fobLocation property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetFOBLocation

      public boolean isSetFOBLocation()
    • getFOBNotes

      public java.lang.String getFOBNotes()
      Gets the value of the fobNotes property.
      possible object is String
    • setFOBNotes

      public void setFOBNotes​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the fobNotes property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetFOBNotes

      public boolean isSetFOBNotes()
    • setCurrentPositionLongitude

      public void setCurrentPositionLongitude​(double value)
      Sets the value of the currentPositionLongitude property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetCurrentPositionLongitude

      public boolean isSetCurrentPositionLongitude()
    • setCurrentPositionLatitude

      public void setCurrentPositionLatitude​(double value)
      Sets the value of the currentPositionLatitude property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetCurrentPositionLatitude

      public boolean isSetCurrentPositionLatitude()
    • setTransactionCost

      public void setTransactionCost​(double value)
      Sets the value of the transactionCost property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetTransactionCost

      public boolean isSetTransactionCost()
    • setRecoveredLostSalesValue

      public void setRecoveredLostSalesValue​(double value)
      Sets the value of the recoveredLostSalesValue property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetRecoveredLostSalesValue

      public boolean isSetRecoveredLostSalesValue()
    • setRecoveredLostSalesDays

      public void setRecoveredLostSalesDays​(double value)
      Sets the value of the recoveredLostSalesDays property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetRecoveredLostSalesDays

      public boolean isSetRecoveredLostSalesDays()
    • getShipWithGroupRef

      public java.lang.String getShipWithGroupRef()
      Gets the value of the shipWithGroupRef property.
      possible object is String
    • setShipWithGroupRef

      public void setShipWithGroupRef​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the shipWithGroupRef property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetShipWithGroupRef

      public boolean isSetShipWithGroupRef()
    • setPriority

      public void setPriority​(long value)
      Sets the value of the priority property.
      value - allowed object is Long
    • isSetPriority

      public boolean isSetPriority()
    • getMovementCreationEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getMovementCreationEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the movementCreationEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetMovementCreationEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetMovementCreationEnterpriseName()
    • getMovementCreationOrganizationName

      public java.lang.String getMovementCreationOrganizationName()
      Gets the value of the movementCreationOrganizationName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetMovementCreationOrganizationName

      public boolean isSetMovementCreationOrganizationName()
    • getPickupNotifications

      public java.lang.String getPickupNotifications()
      Gets the value of the pickupNotifications property.
      possible object is String
    • setPickupNotifications

      public void setPickupNotifications​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the pickupNotifications property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetPickupNotifications

      public boolean isSetPickupNotifications()
    • getDeliveryNotifications

      public java.lang.String getDeliveryNotifications()
      Gets the value of the deliveryNotifications property.
      possible object is String
    • setDeliveryNotifications

      public void setDeliveryNotifications​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the deliveryNotifications property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isSetDeliveryNotifications

      public boolean isSetDeliveryNotifications()
    • getCreationTemplateName

      public java.lang.String getCreationTemplateName()
      Gets the value of the creationTemplateName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationTemplateName

      public boolean isSetCreationTemplateName()
    • getCreationTemplateBaseTemplateName

      public java.lang.String getCreationTemplateBaseTemplateName()
      Gets the value of the creationTemplateBaseTemplateName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationTemplateBaseTemplateName

      public boolean isSetCreationTemplateBaseTemplateName()
    • getCreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType

      public java.lang.String getCreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType()
      Gets the value of the creationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType

      public boolean isSetCreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType()
    • getCreationTemplateOwningOrgName

      public java.lang.String getCreationTemplateOwningOrgName()
      Gets the value of the creationTemplateOwningOrgName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationTemplateOwningOrgName

      public boolean isSetCreationTemplateOwningOrgName()
    • getCreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getCreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the creationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetCreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName()
    • getCreationTemplateOwningUserName

      public java.lang.String getCreationTemplateOwningUserName()
      Gets the value of the creationTemplateOwningUserName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationTemplateOwningUserName

      public boolean isSetCreationTemplateOwningUserName()
    • getCreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName

      public java.lang.String getCreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName()
      Gets the value of the creationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName property.
      possible object is String
    • isSetCreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName

      public boolean isSetCreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName()
    • getMDFsList

      public java.util.List<javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<? extends com.onenetwork.platform.common.MDFs>> getMDFsList()
      Gets the value of the mdFsList property.

      This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the mdFsList property.

      For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


      Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list JAXBElement<DummyMDFs> JAXBElement<MDFs>

      getMDFsList in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
    • isSetMDFsList

      public boolean isSetMDFsList()
    • unsetMDFsList

      public void unsetMDFsList()
    • getAttributes

      public java.util.List<AttributeValue> getAttributes()
      Gets the value of the attributes property.

      This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the attributes property.

      For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


      Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list AttributeValue

      getAttributes in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
    • isSetAttributes

      public boolean isSetAttributes()
    • unsetAttributes

      public void unsetAttributes()
    • setCreationEnterpriseName

      public void setCreationEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationOrgId
    • setCreationOrganizationName

      public void setCreationOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationOrgId
    • setShipFromEnterpriseName

      public void setShipFromEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipfromSiteId, SysPickupApptCodeId, SysPickupCommodityId, SysPickupDdGroupId, SysShipfromOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipfromSiteId, SysPickupApptCodeId, SysPickupCommodityId, SysPickupDdGroupId, SysShipfromOrgId
    • setShipFromOrganizationName

      public void setShipFromOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipfromSiteId, SysPickupApptCodeId, SysPickupDdGroupId, SysShipfromOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipfromSiteId, SysPickupApptCodeId, SysPickupDdGroupId, SysShipfromOrgId
    • setShipFromSiteName

      public void setShipFromSiteName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromSiteName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipfromSiteId, SysPickupDdGroupId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromSiteName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipfromSiteId, SysPickupDdGroupId
    • setShipToEnterpriseName

      public void setShipToEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShiptoSiteId, SysDeliveryApptCodeId, SysDeliveryCommodityId, SysDeliveryDdGroupId, SysShiptoOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysShiptoSiteId, SysDeliveryApptCodeId, SysDeliveryCommodityId, SysDeliveryDdGroupId, SysShiptoOrgId
    • setShipToOrganizationName

      public void setShipToOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShiptoSiteId, SysDeliveryApptCodeId, SysDeliveryDdGroupId, SysShiptoOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysShiptoSiteId, SysDeliveryApptCodeId, SysDeliveryDdGroupId, SysShiptoOrgId
    • setShipToSiteName

      public void setShipToSiteName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToSiteName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShiptoSiteId, SysDeliveryDdGroupId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToSiteName - the following will also be nullified: SysShiptoSiteId, SysDeliveryDdGroupId
    • setShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName

      public void setShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipFromPartnerSiteId, SysShipFromPartnerProfId, SysShipFromPartnerId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromPartnerEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipFromPartnerSiteId, SysShipFromPartnerProfId, SysShipFromPartnerId
    • setShipFromPartnerOrganizationName

      public void setShipFromPartnerOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromPartnerOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipFromPartnerSiteId, SysShipFromPartnerProfId, SysShipFromPartnerId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromPartnerOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipFromPartnerSiteId, SysShipFromPartnerProfId, SysShipFromPartnerId
    • setShipFromPartnerSiteAlias

      public void setShipFromPartnerSiteAlias​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromPartnerSiteAlias, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipFromPartnerSiteId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromPartnerSiteAlias - the following will also be nullified: SysShipFromPartnerSiteId
    • setShipFromPartnerName

      public void setShipFromPartnerName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromPartnerName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipFromPartnerProfId, SysShipFromPartnerId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromPartnerName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipFromPartnerProfId, SysShipFromPartnerId
    • setShipFromPartnerProfileName

      public void setShipFromPartnerProfileName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipFromPartnerProfileName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipFromPartnerProfId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipFromPartnerProfileName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipFromPartnerProfId
    • setShipToPartnerEnterpriseName

      public void setShipToPartnerEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToPartnerEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipToPartnerSiteId, SysShipToPartnerProfId, SysShipToPartnerId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToPartnerEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipToPartnerSiteId, SysShipToPartnerProfId, SysShipToPartnerId
    • setShipToPartnerOrganizationName

      public void setShipToPartnerOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToPartnerOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipToPartnerSiteId, SysShipToPartnerProfId, SysShipToPartnerId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToPartnerOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipToPartnerSiteId, SysShipToPartnerProfId, SysShipToPartnerId
    • setShipToPartnerSiteAlias

      public void setShipToPartnerSiteAlias​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToPartnerSiteAlias, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipToPartnerSiteId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToPartnerSiteAlias - the following will also be nullified: SysShipToPartnerSiteId
    • setShipToPartnerName

      public void setShipToPartnerName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToPartnerName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipToPartnerProfId, SysShipToPartnerId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToPartnerName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipToPartnerProfId, SysShipToPartnerId
    • setShipToPartnerProfileName

      public void setShipToPartnerProfileName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ShipToPartnerProfileName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysShipToPartnerProfId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ShipToPartnerProfileName - the following will also be nullified: SysShipToPartnerProfId
    • setTransportationControllingEnterpriseName

      public void setTransportationControllingEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of TransportationControllingEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysTcOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for TransportationControllingEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysTcOrgId
    • setTransportationControllingOrganizationName

      public void setTransportationControllingOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of TransportationControllingOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysTcOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for TransportationControllingOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysTcOrgId
    • setCustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName

      public void setCustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCustofTcOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CustomerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysCustofTcOrgId
    • setCustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName

      public void setCustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCustofTcOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CustomerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysCustofTcOrgId
    • setCurrentCarrierEnterpriseName

      public void setCurrentCarrierEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CurrentCarrierEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCurrentCarrierOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CurrentCarrierEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysCurrentCarrierOrgId
    • setCurrentCarrierOrganizationName

      public void setCurrentCarrierOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CurrentCarrierOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCurrentCarrierOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CurrentCarrierOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysCurrentCarrierOrgId
    • setBrokerEnterpriseName

      public void setBrokerEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BrokerEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBrokerSiteId, SysBrokerOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BrokerEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysBrokerSiteId, SysBrokerOrgId
    • setBrokerOrganizationName

      public void setBrokerOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BrokerOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBrokerSiteId, SysBrokerOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BrokerOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysBrokerSiteId, SysBrokerOrgId
    • setBrokerSiteName

      public void setBrokerSiteName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BrokerSiteName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBrokerSiteId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BrokerSiteName - the following will also be nullified: SysBrokerSiteId
    • setBillToEnterpriseName

      public void setBillToEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BillToEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBilltoSiteId, SysBillToOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BillToEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysBilltoSiteId, SysBillToOrgId
    • setBillToOrganizationName

      public void setBillToOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BillToOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBilltoSiteId, SysBillToOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BillToOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysBilltoSiteId, SysBillToOrgId
    • setBillToSiteName

      public void setBillToSiteName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BillToSiteName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBilltoSiteId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BillToSiteName - the following will also be nullified: SysBilltoSiteId
    • setPickupAppointmentCode

      public void setPickupAppointmentCode​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of PickupAppointmentCode, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysPickupApptCodeId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for PickupAppointmentCode - the following will also be nullified: SysPickupApptCodeId
    • setDeliveryAppointmentCode

      public void setDeliveryAppointmentCode​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of DeliveryAppointmentCode, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysDeliveryApptCodeId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for DeliveryAppointmentCode - the following will also be nullified: SysDeliveryApptCodeId
    • setPickupCommodityCode

      public void setPickupCommodityCode​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of PickupCommodityCode, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysPickupCommodityId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for PickupCommodityCode - the following will also be nullified: SysPickupCommodityId
    • setDeliveryCommodityCode

      public void setDeliveryCommodityCode​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of DeliveryCommodityCode, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysDeliveryCommodityId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for DeliveryCommodityCode - the following will also be nullified: SysDeliveryCommodityId
    • setPickupDockDoorGroupName

      public void setPickupDockDoorGroupName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of PickupDockDoorGroupName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysPickupDdGroupId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for PickupDockDoorGroupName - the following will also be nullified: SysPickupDdGroupId
    • setDeliveryDockDoorGroupName

      public void setDeliveryDockDoorGroupName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of DeliveryDockDoorGroupName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysDeliveryDdGroupId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for DeliveryDockDoorGroupName - the following will also be nullified: SysDeliveryDdGroupId
    • setParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName

      public void setParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysParentShipmentCreationOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ParentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysParentShipmentCreationOrgId
    • setParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName

      public void setParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of ParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysParentShipmentCreationOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for ParentShipmentCreationOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysParentShipmentCreationOrgId
    • setBuyerEnterpriseName

      public void setBuyerEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BuyerEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBuyOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BuyerEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysBuyOrgId
    • setBuyerOrganizationName

      public void setBuyerOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of BuyerOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysBuyOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for BuyerOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysBuyOrgId
    • setSellerEnterpriseName

      public void setSellerEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of SellerEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysSellOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for SellerEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysSellOrgId
    • setSellerOrganizationName

      public void setSellerOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of SellerOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysSellOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for SellerOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysSellOrgId
    • setMovementCreationEnterpriseName

      public void setMovementCreationEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of MovementCreationEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysMvmtCreationOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for MovementCreationEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysMvmtCreationOrgId
    • setMovementCreationOrganizationName

      public void setMovementCreationOrganizationName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of MovementCreationOrganizationName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysMvmtCreationOrgId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for MovementCreationOrganizationName - the following will also be nullified: SysMvmtCreationOrgId
    • setCreationTemplateName

      public void setCreationTemplateName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationTemplateName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationTemplateId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationTemplateName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationTemplateId
    • setCreationTemplateBaseTemplateName

      public void setCreationTemplateBaseTemplateName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationTemplateBaseTemplateName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationTemplateId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationTemplateBaseTemplateName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationTemplateId
    • setCreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType

      public void setCreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationTemplateId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationTemplateId
    • setCreationTemplateOwningOrgName

      public void setCreationTemplateOwningOrgName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationTemplateOwningOrgName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationTemplateId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationTemplateOwningOrgName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationTemplateId
    • setCreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName

      public void setCreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationTemplateId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationTemplateId
    • setCreationTemplateOwningUserName

      public void setCreationTemplateOwningUserName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationTemplateOwningUserName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationTemplateId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationTemplateOwningUserName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationTemplateId
    • setCreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName

      public void setCreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of CreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName, and also nullifies the following surrogate ids: SysCreationTemplateId. This nullification is done to ensure that a client can set either natural keys or sys id as desired. If you as a client wish to populate *both* natural and surrogate ids, you should set the natural keys first, then set the surrogate ids passing 'false' as the second parameter
      value - new value for CreationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName - the following will also be nullified: SysCreationTemplateId
    • isPickupAppointmentRequired

      public boolean isPickupAppointmentRequired()
    • unsetPickupAppointmentRequired

      public void unsetPickupAppointmentRequired()
    • isDeliveryAppointmentRequired

      public boolean isDeliveryAppointmentRequired()
    • unsetDeliveryAppointmentRequired

      public void unsetDeliveryAppointmentRequired()
    • getTotalVolume

      public double getTotalVolume()
    • unsetTotalVolume

      public void unsetTotalVolume()
    • getTotalWeight

      public double getTotalWeight()
    • unsetTotalWeight

      public void unsetTotalWeight()
    • getTotalShippedQuantity

      public double getTotalShippedQuantity()
    • unsetTotalShippedQuantity

      public void unsetTotalShippedQuantity()
    • getTotalReceivedQuantity

      public double getTotalReceivedQuantity()
    • unsetTotalReceivedQuantity

      public void unsetTotalReceivedQuantity()
    • getTotalOrderedQuantity

      public double getTotalOrderedQuantity()
    • unsetTotalOrderedQuantity

      public void unsetTotalOrderedQuantity()
    • getTotalShippedQuantity2

      public double getTotalShippedQuantity2()
    • unsetTotalShippedQuantity2

      public void unsetTotalShippedQuantity2()
    • getTotalReceivedQuantity2

      public double getTotalReceivedQuantity2()
    • unsetTotalReceivedQuantity2

      public void unsetTotalReceivedQuantity2()
    • getTotalOrderedQuantity2

      public double getTotalOrderedQuantity2()
    • unsetTotalOrderedQuantity2

      public void unsetTotalOrderedQuantity2()
    • isFreightControlledBySystem

      public boolean isFreightControlledBySystem()
    • unsetFreightControlledBySystem

      public void unsetFreightControlledBySystem()
    • getAttachedNoteCount

      public long getAttachedNoteCount()
    • unsetAttachedNoteCount

      public void unsetAttachedNoteCount()
    • getCurrentPositionLongitude

      public double getCurrentPositionLongitude()
    • unsetCurrentPositionLongitude

      public void unsetCurrentPositionLongitude()
    • getCurrentPositionLatitude

      public double getCurrentPositionLatitude()
    • unsetCurrentPositionLatitude

      public void unsetCurrentPositionLatitude()
    • getTransactionCost

      public double getTransactionCost()
    • unsetTransactionCost

      public void unsetTransactionCost()
    • getRecoveredLostSalesValue

      public double getRecoveredLostSalesValue()
    • unsetRecoveredLostSalesValue

      public void unsetRecoveredLostSalesValue()
    • getRecoveredLostSalesDays

      public double getRecoveredLostSalesDays()
    • unsetRecoveredLostSalesDays

      public void unsetRecoveredLostSalesDays()
    • getPriority

      public long getPriority()
    • unsetPriority

      public void unsetPriority()
    • issueOn

      public com.onenetwork.platform.common.Issue issueOn​(java.lang.String issueName, IssueSeverity issueSeverity)
      Utility method to create an issue and set it on JAXB
    • issueOff

      public com.onenetwork.platform.common.Issue issueOff​(java.lang.String issueName)
      Utility method to create an issue and set it on JAXB
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: Model
      A Model object is considered "equal" to another Model object if it is a Model of the same type and its Natural Key fields are identical.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface Model
      equals in class java.lang.Object
      obj - object to compare
      true if the object is the same type of Model with identical Natural Key fields
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
    • internalToString

      protected java.lang.String internalToString()
      internalToString in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
    • toStrContrib

      public java.lang.String toStrContrib()
      Not intended for use by Clients
    • getModelType

      public getModelType()
      methods to get ModelType for this JAXB.
      getModelType in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
    • getModelLevelType

      public getModelLevelType()
      methods to get ModelLevelType for this JAXB.
      getModelLevelType in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
    • getStandardModelName

      public java.lang.String getStandardModelName()
      method to get standard model name for this JAXB.
      getStandardModelName in class com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model
    • getSysCreationOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysCreationOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysCreationOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: creationEnterpriseName, creationOrganizationName
    • setSysCreationOrgId

      public void setSysCreationOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysCreationOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: creationEnterpriseName, creationOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysCreationOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (creationEnterpriseName, creationOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipfromSiteId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipfromSiteId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipfromSiteId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, shipFromSiteName
    • setSysShipfromSiteId

      public void setSysShipfromSiteId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipfromSiteId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, shipFromSiteName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipfromSiteId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, shipFromSiteName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShiptoSiteId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShiptoSiteId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShiptoSiteId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, shipToSiteName
    • setSysShiptoSiteId

      public void setSysShiptoSiteId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShiptoSiteId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, shipToSiteName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShiptoSiteId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, shipToSiteName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipFromPartnerSiteId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipFromPartnerSiteId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipFromPartnerSiteId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerSiteAlias
    • setSysShipFromPartnerSiteId

      public void setSysShipFromPartnerSiteId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipFromPartnerSiteId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerSiteAlias. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipFromPartnerSiteId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerSiteAlias), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipFromPartnerProfId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipFromPartnerProfId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipFromPartnerProfId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerName, shipFromPartnerProfileName
    • setSysShipFromPartnerProfId

      public void setSysShipFromPartnerProfId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipFromPartnerProfId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerName, shipFromPartnerProfileName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipFromPartnerProfId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerName, shipFromPartnerProfileName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipToPartnerSiteId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipToPartnerSiteId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipToPartnerSiteId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerSiteAlias
    • setSysShipToPartnerSiteId

      public void setSysShipToPartnerSiteId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipToPartnerSiteId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerSiteAlias. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipToPartnerSiteId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerSiteAlias), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipToPartnerProfId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipToPartnerProfId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipToPartnerProfId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerName, shipToPartnerProfileName
    • setSysShipToPartnerProfId

      public void setSysShipToPartnerProfId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipToPartnerProfId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerName, shipToPartnerProfileName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipToPartnerProfId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerName, shipToPartnerProfileName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysTcOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysTcOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysTcOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: transportationControllingEnterpriseName, transportationControllingOrganizationName
    • setSysTcOrgId

      public void setSysTcOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysTcOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: transportationControllingEnterpriseName, transportationControllingOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysTcOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (transportationControllingEnterpriseName, transportationControllingOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysCustofTcOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysCustofTcOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysCustofTcOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: customerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName, customerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName
    • setSysCustofTcOrgId

      public void setSysCustofTcOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysCustofTcOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: customerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName, customerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysCustofTcOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (customerOfTransportationControllingEnterpriseName, customerOfTransportationControllingOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysCurrentCarrierOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysCurrentCarrierOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysCurrentCarrierOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: currentCarrierEnterpriseName, currentCarrierOrganizationName
    • setSysCurrentCarrierOrgId

      public void setSysCurrentCarrierOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysCurrentCarrierOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: currentCarrierEnterpriseName, currentCarrierOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysCurrentCarrierOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (currentCarrierEnterpriseName, currentCarrierOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysBrokerSiteId

      public java.lang.Long getSysBrokerSiteId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysBrokerSiteId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: brokerEnterpriseName, brokerOrganizationName, brokerSiteName
    • setSysBrokerSiteId

      public void setSysBrokerSiteId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysBrokerSiteId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: brokerEnterpriseName, brokerOrganizationName, brokerSiteName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysBrokerSiteId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (brokerEnterpriseName, brokerOrganizationName, brokerSiteName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysBilltoSiteId

      public java.lang.Long getSysBilltoSiteId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysBilltoSiteId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: billToEnterpriseName, billToOrganizationName, billToSiteName
    • setSysBilltoSiteId

      public void setSysBilltoSiteId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysBilltoSiteId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: billToEnterpriseName, billToOrganizationName, billToSiteName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysBilltoSiteId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (billToEnterpriseName, billToOrganizationName, billToSiteName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysBillToOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysBillToOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysBillToOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: billToEnterpriseName, billToOrganizationName
    • setSysBillToOrgId

      public void setSysBillToOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysBillToOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: billToEnterpriseName, billToOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysBillToOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (billToEnterpriseName, billToOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysPickupApptCodeId

      public java.lang.Long getSysPickupApptCodeId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysPickupApptCodeId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, pickupAppointmentCode
    • setSysPickupApptCodeId

      public void setSysPickupApptCodeId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysPickupApptCodeId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, pickupAppointmentCode. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysPickupApptCodeId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, pickupAppointmentCode), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysDeliveryApptCodeId

      public java.lang.Long getSysDeliveryApptCodeId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysDeliveryApptCodeId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, deliveryAppointmentCode
    • setSysDeliveryApptCodeId

      public void setSysDeliveryApptCodeId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysDeliveryApptCodeId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, deliveryAppointmentCode. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysDeliveryApptCodeId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, deliveryAppointmentCode), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysPickupCommodityId

      public java.lang.Long getSysPickupCommodityId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysPickupCommodityId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromEnterpriseName, pickupCommodityCode
    • setSysPickupCommodityId

      public void setSysPickupCommodityId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysPickupCommodityId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromEnterpriseName, pickupCommodityCode. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysPickupCommodityId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromEnterpriseName, pickupCommodityCode), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysDeliveryCommodityId

      public java.lang.Long getSysDeliveryCommodityId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysDeliveryCommodityId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToEnterpriseName, deliveryCommodityCode
    • setSysDeliveryCommodityId

      public void setSysDeliveryCommodityId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysDeliveryCommodityId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToEnterpriseName, deliveryCommodityCode. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysDeliveryCommodityId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToEnterpriseName, deliveryCommodityCode), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysPickupDdGroupId

      public java.lang.Long getSysPickupDdGroupId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysPickupDdGroupId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, shipFromSiteName, pickupDockDoorGroupName
    • setSysPickupDdGroupId

      public void setSysPickupDdGroupId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysPickupDdGroupId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, shipFromSiteName, pickupDockDoorGroupName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysPickupDdGroupId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName, shipFromSiteName, pickupDockDoorGroupName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysDeliveryDdGroupId

      public java.lang.Long getSysDeliveryDdGroupId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysDeliveryDdGroupId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, shipToSiteName, deliveryDockDoorGroupName
    • setSysDeliveryDdGroupId

      public void setSysDeliveryDdGroupId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysDeliveryDdGroupId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, shipToSiteName, deliveryDockDoorGroupName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysDeliveryDdGroupId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName, shipToSiteName, deliveryDockDoorGroupName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysParentShipmentCreationOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysParentShipmentCreationOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysParentShipmentCreationOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: parentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName, parentShipmentCreationOrganizationName
    • setSysParentShipmentCreationOrgId

      public void setSysParentShipmentCreationOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysParentShipmentCreationOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: parentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName, parentShipmentCreationOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysParentShipmentCreationOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (parentShipmentCreationEnterpriseName, parentShipmentCreationOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysBuyOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysBuyOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysBuyOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: buyerEnterpriseName, buyerOrganizationName
    • setSysBuyOrgId

      public void setSysBuyOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysBuyOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: buyerEnterpriseName, buyerOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysBuyOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (buyerEnterpriseName, buyerOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysSellOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysSellOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysSellOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: sellerEnterpriseName, sellerOrganizationName
    • setSysSellOrgId

      public void setSysSellOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysSellOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: sellerEnterpriseName, sellerOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysSellOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (sellerEnterpriseName, sellerOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipToPartnerId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipToPartnerId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipToPartnerId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerName
    • setSysShipToPartnerId

      public void setSysShipToPartnerId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipToPartnerId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipToPartnerId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToPartnerEnterpriseName, shipToPartnerOrganizationName, shipToPartnerName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShiptoOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShiptoOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShiptoOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName
    • setSysShiptoOrgId

      public void setSysShiptoOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShiptoOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShiptoOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipToEnterpriseName, shipToOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipfromOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipfromOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipfromOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName
    • setSysShipfromOrgId

      public void setSysShipfromOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipfromOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipfromOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromEnterpriseName, shipFromOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysShipFromPartnerId

      public java.lang.Long getSysShipFromPartnerId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysShipFromPartnerId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerName
    • setSysShipFromPartnerId

      public void setSysShipFromPartnerId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysShipFromPartnerId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysShipFromPartnerId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (shipFromPartnerEnterpriseName, shipFromPartnerOrganizationName, shipFromPartnerName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysBrokerOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysBrokerOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysBrokerOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: brokerEnterpriseName, brokerOrganizationName
    • setSysBrokerOrgId

      public void setSysBrokerOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysBrokerOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: brokerEnterpriseName, brokerOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysBrokerOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (brokerEnterpriseName, brokerOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysMvmtCreationOrgId

      public java.lang.Long getSysMvmtCreationOrgId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysMvmtCreationOrgId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: movementCreationEnterpriseName, movementCreationOrganizationName
    • setSysMvmtCreationOrgId

      public void setSysMvmtCreationOrgId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysMvmtCreationOrgId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: movementCreationEnterpriseName, movementCreationOrganizationName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysMvmtCreationOrgId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (movementCreationEnterpriseName, movementCreationOrganizationName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysCreationTemplateId

      public java.lang.Long getSysCreationTemplateId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SysCreationTemplateId. After reading a model, this will always match with the corresponding natural keys, which are: creationTemplateName, creationTemplateBaseTemplateName, creationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType, creationTemplateOwningOrgName, creationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName, creationTemplateOwningUserName, creationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName
    • setSysCreationTemplateId

      public void setSysCreationTemplateId​(java.lang.Long value, boolean nullifyNaturalKeys)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SysCreationTemplateId. As a client, when you want to update the model in the database, you may set values either by natural key or by sys id, or by both. Calling this method with 'true' will nullify the natural keys for this surrogate key: creationTemplateName, creationTemplateBaseTemplateName, creationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType, creationTemplateOwningOrgName, creationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName, creationTemplateOwningUserName, creationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName. This ensures the values don't conflict. If you are 'populating' an object and want to set both natural and surrogate keys, you should set the natural keys first, then call this method with 'false' for nullifyNaturalKeys.
      value - new value for SysCreationTemplateId
      nullifyNaturalKeys - true to nullify the related natural keys (creationTemplateName, creationTemplateBaseTemplateName, creationTemplateBaseTemplateLevelType, creationTemplateOwningOrgName, creationTemplateOwningOrgEnterpriseName, creationTemplateOwningUserName, creationTemplateOwningUserEnterpriseName), or false to leave as is - please note that you can pass either surrogate id or natural keys to the server write API, or both
    • getSysParentShipId

      public java.lang.Long getSysParentShipId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SYS_PARENT_SHIP_ID
    • setSysParentShipId

      public void setSysParentShipId​(java.lang.Long sysId)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SYS_PARENT_SHIP_ID
    • getSysMvmtId

      public java.lang.Long getSysMvmtId()
      Returns the surrogate id value for SYS_MVMT_ID
    • setSysMvmtId

      public void setSysMvmtId​(java.lang.Long sysId)
      Sets the surrogate id value for SYS_MVMT_ID