Interface Model

All Known Implementing Classes:
Achievement, AchievementConfig, AchievementConfigUser, AchievementEvent, AckAwaitConfig, AckAwaitConfigs, AckRequest, AckResponse, Alert, AlertDigestDeliverySchedule, AnonymizerOverride, AsyncAction, Attachment, Attribute, BaseTemplate, BlockRelationship, Buffer, BufferLane, ChainEngineCondition, ChainEngineConditionLine, ChainEngineConfig, ChainEngineConfigLine, ChainEngineRun, ClobProperty, Collaboration, CollaborationLine, ContactInformation, CrossReference, CrossReferenceValue, CurrencyConversionFactor, CurrencyConverter, CustomEmailTemplate, DocTypePerm, DocumentType, DynaFieldComp, DynaFieldDef, DynKPIFamilyDef, EdiConfig, EdiForward, EdiInboundRoute, EdiMessageQueue, EdiMessageTransform, EdiMonitorPartnerOverride, EdiMonitorSettings, EdiMQTransRef, EdiOutboundRoute, EINTypeAvailability, Enterprise, EnterpriseEINs, EnterpriseObject, EntityGroupRoleAssoc, EntQueueSubsPerm, EntRoleType, EntRoleTypeBase, EntRoleTypeExclusion, EntRoleTypeInclusion, EnumConversionDef, EnumConversionFactor, EnumDependency, EnumFieldDependency, EnumPreferences, EquipmentType, ExecutiveDashboard, ExternalReference, FeatureSubscription, GeoLanePattern, GeoLanePermission, GeoPattern, GeoPatternList, GeoPermission, HeatMapDef, HierEnumConversionDef, HierEnumConversionFactor, Image, IntegMapping, IntegrationConnection, IntegrationSubscription, IntegrationSubscriptionQueue, InteractiveSimulation, InteractiveSimulationStep, InterfaceListener, Invoice, InvoiceHold, InvoiceLine, InvoiceLineDetail, IssueProblemRole, IssueSubscription, IssueSubscriptionFilter, Item, ItemSubstitution, ItemTaxCode, IxmEngineConfig, IxmEngineNodeConfig, IxmTaskGeneratorSchedule, JoinedIssueSubscription, KPI, KPIDef, KPIHistory, Message, MessageDestination, MessageDetail, MessageQueue, MessageRoute, MessageSource, MessageSourcePoll, MessageTransform, MLModel, MLPlugPoint, com.onenetwork.platform.common.Model, ModelValidationConfig, Movement, MovementStop, MovementStopLine, MsgProcessingContext, MsgQueueDependency, NeoAnalyticReport, NeoCustomWidget, NeoDashboard, NeoDashboardSubscr, NeoKPIConfig, NeoKPIDefConfig, NeoKPIValue, NeoNotification, Neophyte, NeoPrescription, NodeExecHistory, OAuthIBClientApp, OAuthIBToken, OAuthIBTokenReq, OAuthOBClientApp, OAuthOBToken, OAuthOBTokenReq, OBFixlenFieldFormat, OBFixlenInterfaceFmt, OBFixlenRecordFormat, OBFLRecordGroup, OBFLRecordGroupEntry, OnboardingProgram, Order, OrderForecast, OrderLineItem, OrderSchedule, Organization, OrgCode, OrgEnumDependency, OrgEnumPreferences, OrgHierarchy, OrgHierarchyEntry, OrgListPerm, Page, PageAction, PageFlow, PageRelatedModel, PageRoutingGuide, Partner, PartnerEDIConfig, PartnerInvitation, PartnerSite, PartnerTypeConfig, Payment, Person, PersonIdentityMapping, PersonSpace, PersonSpacePermission, Pipeline, PipelineExecHistory, PlatformInstance, PolicyValue, ProductGroup, ProductGroupLevel, PublicProfile, RelatedModelAction, ReportSummaryRow, Role, SharedDashPref, Shipment, ShipmentLine, Singleton, SingletonLine, Site, SiteGroup, SiteGroupLevel, SiteLane, SiteRsrc, SiteRsrcReservation, SlcFileCache, Task, TaskReqmt, Template, TemplatePermission, ToDo, User, UserABAC, UserABACValue, UserAssociation, UserDefinedConstant, UserGroup, UserGroupMember, UserRequest, UserTermsAndConditions, ValidationRule, ValidationRuleIf, ValidationRuleTest, ValidationRuleThen, ValueBand, ValueBands, ValueChain, WBGeo, WBProblem, WBProblemAddtlModelRef, WBProblemDimension, WBProblemIssue, WBProblemLine, WBProblemLineMember, WBProblemNote, WBProblemRole, WBProblemRoleType, WBProblemSharedOrg, WBProblemType

public interface Model
Common interface implemented by all Model objects.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addWarning​(java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.Object... args)
    Adds a Warning to the current model by instantiating a new StatusMessage with the given message, which can optionally be parameterized using MessageFormat and given arguments
    java.util.List<Difference> diff​(Model m1, ModelDiffConfig cfg)
    Returns the differences found for field values in current Model and parameter Model object.
    boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
    A Model object is considered "equal" to another Model object if it is a Model of the same type and its Natural Key fields are identical.
    java.lang.Object getAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeName)
    Given a Attribute name, return the value of that Attribute.
    StatusMessage getError()
    Returns the current Error set on this model
    java.util.Calendar getLastModifiedDate()  
    java.lang.String getLastModifiedUser()  
    java.lang.Object getMDF​(java.lang.String modulePrefix, java.lang.String fieldName)
    Given a module prefix and module-defined field name, return the value of that MDF.
    <T extends MDFs>
    getMDFs​(java.lang.Class<T> moduleFieldsClass)  
    <T extends Rider>
    getRider​(java.lang.Class<T> cls)  
    <T extends Rider>
    getRider​(java.lang.Class<T> cls, PlatformUserContext pltUsrContext)
    java.lang.Long getSysId()
    Returns the surrogate key value for this Model.
    java.lang.Object getTransientField​(java.lang.String key)
    Given the name of the transient field, this returns its corresponding value.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getTransientFields()
    Returns a map of all transient fields and their values held in an instance.
    java.lang.String getUdf​(java.lang.String name)
    Given a field name, returns the value of the User-Defined Field.
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> getUdfNames()
    Returns a list of all User-Defined Field names which currently have values
    java.util.List<StatusMessage> getWarnings()
    Contains a collection of "warning" messages which can be used to communicate informational, non-error conditions back to a client after a read operation.
    void setAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
    Given a Attribute name and field value, sets that Attribute value on the model
    void setError​(StatusMessage value)
    Sets the current Error for this model
    void setError​(java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.Object... args)
    Sets the current Error for this model by instantiating a new StatusMessage with the given message, which can optionally be parameterized using MessageFormat and given arguments
    void setLastModifiedDate​(java.util.Calendar val)  
    void setLastModifiedUser​(java.lang.String val)  
    void setMDF​(java.lang.String modulePrefix, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value)
    Given a module prefix, module-defined field name and field value, sets that MDF value on the model
    void setSysId​(java.lang.Long sysId)
    Used by the Platform to populate the sysId of a Model from the database.
    void setTransientField​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object val)
    Sets the value of the transient field given its name.
    void setUdf​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
    Sets a User-Defined Field value
    org.json.JSONObject toJSONObject()
    Returns a JSON representation of this Model.
    org.json.JSONObject toJSONObject​(PlatformUserProfile profile)
    Returns a JSON representation of this Model.
    org.json.JSONObject toJSONObjectExternal​(PlatformUserProfile profile)
    Returns a serialized JSON representation of this Model with following conditions.
    org.json.JSONObject toJSONObjectFullySerialized​(PlatformUserProfile profile)
    Returns a fully serialized JSON representation of this Model.
    java.lang.String toXML()
    Returns an XML representation of this Model.
  • Method Details

    • getSysId

      java.lang.Long getSysId()
      Returns the surrogate key value for this Model.
      surrogate key value for this Model
    • setSysId

      void setSysId​(java.lang.Long sysId)
      Used by the Platform to populate the sysId of a Model from the database. Not intended for user by clients.

      Please note that setting or changing this value will not have any effect on the surrogate key value in the database, either immediately or when the Model is written using an SPT action. However, if the surrogate value is provided it will be used to fetch the model's natural keys when executing a model write.

      sysId - surrogate key value
    • getMDFs

      <T extends MDFs> T getMDFs​(java.lang.Class<T> moduleFieldsClass)
      Type Parameters:
      T - ModuleFields class to retrieve instance of
      moduleFieldsClass - ModuleFields class to retrieve instance of
      ModuleFields instance of given class from underlying jaxb
    • getError

      StatusMessage getError()
      Returns the current Error set on this model
    • setError

      void setError​(StatusMessage value)
      Sets the current Error for this model
      value - error to set on this model
    • getWarnings

      java.util.List<StatusMessage> getWarnings()
      Contains a collection of "warning" messages which can be used to communicate informational, non-error conditions back to a client after a read operation.
    • setError

      void setError​(java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.Object... args)
      Sets the current Error for this model by instantiating a new StatusMessage with the given message, which can optionally be parameterized using MessageFormat and given arguments
      msgKey - the key to the localized string. msgKey will be used as error message if no localized string is defined.
      args - parameters to error message if it is a pattern
    • addWarning

      void addWarning​(java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.Object... args)
      Adds a Warning to the current model by instantiating a new StatusMessage with the given message, which can optionally be parameterized using MessageFormat and given arguments
      msgKey - the key to the localized string. msgKey will be used as error message if no localized string is defined.
      args - parameters to error message if it is a pattern
    • getUdfNames

      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getUdfNames()
      Returns a list of all User-Defined Field names which currently have values
    • setUdf

      void setUdf​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Sets a User-Defined Field value
      name - field name
      value - field value
    • getUdf

      java.lang.String getUdf​(java.lang.String name)
      Given a field name, returns the value of the User-Defined Field. may be null
      name - field name
      field value
    • setMDF

      void setMDF​(java.lang.String modulePrefix, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value)
      Given a module prefix, module-defined field name and field value, sets that MDF value on the model

      If the module is not available or the field name is not valid, this method throws a runtime exception.

      To set the MDF, here is an example:

           model.setMDF("PTA", "TestMDFForInteg", testCaseName);
      The first parameter is the module prefix, second one is the field name and the third parameter is the field value.

      Here are the examples to set different field types

        Double:             model.setMDF("PTA", "TestDouble", 100.0);
        Boolean:            model.setMDF("PTA", "TestBoolean", true);
        Address:            Address address = Services.get(AddressService.class).createAddress(CountryCodes.US);
                            address.set(AddressComponentType.STREET_1, testCaseName);
                            address.set(AddressComponentType.CITY, testCaseName);
                            address.set(AddressComponentType.STATE, "TX");
                            model.setMDF("PTA", "TestAddress", address);
        String Enumeration: model.setMDF("PTA", "TestStringEnum", "Test1");
        Integer:            model.setMDF("PTA", "TestInteger", 10);
        Float:              model.setMDF("PTA", "TestFloat", 10.0);
        Model Link: 
          Set the MDFs for individual components:    model.setMDF("PTA", "TestMLName", "SampleEnterprise");
          Set the individuals fields of composite:   model.setMDF("PTA", "TestCompositeAmount", 100.00);
                                                     model.setMDF("PTA", "TestCompositeCurrency", CurrencyCode.USD.getValue());
      modulePrefix - module prefix
      fieldName - module-defined field name
      value - new field value
    • getMDF

      java.lang.Object getMDF​(java.lang.String modulePrefix, java.lang.String fieldName)
      Given a module prefix and module-defined field name, return the value of that MDF.


       Object obj = model.getMDF("PTA", "TestFloat");
      (where PTA is the module prefix and TestFloat is the field name)

      This method throws a runtime exception if the module with the given prefix is not available during runtime or the field name is not valid.

      modulePrefix - module prefix
      fieldName - module-defined field name
      the field value, or null if the field isn't found or has no value
    • getTransientFields

      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getTransientFields()
      Returns a map of all transient fields and their values held in an instance. Transient fields are part of an action, meaning they only live as long as the lifetime of the action they are used with.
    • getTransientField

      java.lang.Object getTransientField​(java.lang.String key)
      Given the name of the transient field, this returns its corresponding value.
      key - the name of the transient field
      the value of the field, or null if not found
    • setTransientField

      void setTransientField​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object val)
      Sets the value of the transient field given its name. If an entry with that name already exists, it will be overwritten with the new value.
      key - the name of the field
      val - the value of the field
    • toXML

      java.lang.String toXML()
      Returns an XML representation of this Model. See the XML Schema of your Model implementation for details. The XML will include any child levels. To convert XML to a Model, see XMLService.
    • toJSONObject

      org.json.JSONObject toJSONObject()
      Returns a JSON representation of this Model. Will use system default for Date and other localized formats. Consider a model TestModel with ModelLinks for: Organization, TestModelLink and TransientField : "TestTransientField", using this method will result in following JSON conversion. Sample JSON received after conversion for TestModel:
              "TestModelKey": "ModelKeyTest",
              "SysId": 9,
              "Organization": {
                "displayValue": "SouthRegion",
                "value": 10000
              "ValueChainId": 100,
              "TestModelLink": {
                "displayValue": "ModelLinkTest",
                "value": 10001
              "ModelLevelType": "PTA.TestModel",
              "TestTransientField": "TestVal"
      To convert JSON to a Model, see JSONService.
    • toJSONObject

      org.json.JSONObject toJSONObject​(PlatformUserProfile profile)
      Returns a JSON representation of this Model. Will consult the given user profile for Date and other localized formats.
      profile - user profile, from which localized date format and other information is taken
    • toJSONObjectFullySerialized

      org.json.JSONObject toJSONObjectFullySerialized​(PlatformUserProfile profile)
      Returns a fully serialized JSON representation of this Model. Will consult the given user profile for Date and other localized formats. Consider a model TestModel with ModelLinks for: Organization, TestModelLink and TransientField : "TestTransientField", using this method will result in following JSON conversion. Sample JSON received after conversion for TestModel:
            "TestModelKey": "ModelKeyTest",
            "SysId": 9,
            "Organization": {
              "EnterpriseName": "ProgressiveRetailer",
              "value": 10000,
              "Name": "SouthRegion"
            "ValueChainId": 100,
            "TestModelLink": {
              "TestModelKey": "ModelLinkTest",
              "value": 10001
            "ModelLevelType": "PTA.TestModel",
            "TestTransientField": "TestVal"
      profile - user profile, from which localized date format and other information is taken
    • toJSONObjectExternal

      org.json.JSONObject toJSONObjectExternal​(PlatformUserProfile profile)
      Returns a serialized JSON representation of this Model with following conditions. following conditions: serialize all NK components(populateAllNKComponents=true) serializeOnlyNKs = false, showsMDFSeparately, skipSysId and does not serialize transient fields on models. Will consult the given user profile for Date and other localized formats. Consider a model TestModel with ModelLinks for: Organization, TestModelLink and TransientField : "TestTransientField", using this method will result in following JSON conversion. Sample JSON received after conversion for TestModel:
            "TestModelKey": "ModelKeyTest",
            "Organization": {
              "EnterpriseName": "ProgressiveRetailer",
              "Name": "SouthRegion"
            "ValueChainId": 100,
            "TestModelLink": {
              "TestModelKey": "ModelLinkTest"
            "ModelLevelType": "PTA.TestModel"
      profile - user profile, from which localized date format and other information is taken
    • equals

      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      A Model object is considered "equal" to another Model object if it is a Model of the same type and its Natural Key fields are identical.
      equals in class java.lang.Object
      o - object to compare
      true if the object is the same type of Model with identical Natural Key fields
    • diff

      java.util.List<Difference> diff​(Model m1, ModelDiffConfig cfg)
      Returns the differences found for field values in current Model and parameter Model object.

      Following list describes the type of value objects returned, if difference for specific field type is found,
      • Address Field Type: Model value class is Address
      • Composite Field Type (like DateRange, Monetary): Model value class is List. This list can contain heterogeneous primitive data types like Integer, String.
      • Duration Field Type: Model value class is String. e.g. "11D 11H 11M "
      • ModelLink Field Type: Model value class is ModelLinkKey. NOTE: Only natural key component values of ModelLink are compared.
      • String Enumeration Field Type: Model value class is String. e.g. for Currency, value can be INR
      • Primitive Field Type (like Integer, Float): Model value class is corresponding wrapper class from java.lang package
      m1 - Model object to find differences
      cfg - rules to be used for diff
      list of differences found
      java.lang.RuntimeException - if class of the passed Model object is not equal to current Model class
      See Also:
      ModelDiffConfig, Difference
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
      Given a Attribute name and field value, sets that Attribute value on the model

      This method throws a runtime exception if provided attribute value is not valid

      To set the Attribute, here is an example:

           model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestString", "TestString");
      The first parameter is attribute field name and the second parameter is the field value.

      Here are the examples to set different field types

        Double:             model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestDouble", 100.0);
        Boolean:            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestBoolean", true);
        Address:            Address address = Services.get(AddressService.class).createAddress(CountryCodes.US);
                            address.set(AddressComponentType.STREET_1, testCaseName);
                            address.set(AddressComponentType.CITY, testCaseName);
                            address.set(AddressComponentType.STATE, "TX");
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestAddress", address);
        String Enumeration: model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestStringEnum", "Test1");
        Integer:            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestInteger", 10);
        Float:              model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestFloat", 10.0);
        Duration:           DurationValue value = new DurationValue();
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestDuration", value);
        Model Link: 
                            ModelLinkAttributeValue modelLinkAttributeValue = new ModelLinkAttributeValue();
          Set all the NK fields of ModelLink:       
                            modelLinkAttributeValue.set("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestModelLinkName", "SampleEnterprise");           
                            //set the modellink field
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestModelLink", modelLinkAttributeValue);
          Set the individuals fields of composite:   
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestCompositeAmount", 100.00);
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestCompositeCurrency", CurrencyCode.USD.getValue());

      To nullify the attribute value, use NullConstants

        Double:             model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestDouble", NullConstants.NULL_DOUBLE_VALUE);
        Address:            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestAddress", NullConstants.NULL_ADDRESS_VALUE);
        String Enumeration: model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestStringEnum", NullConstants.NULL_STRING_VALUE);
        Integer:            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestInteger", NullConstants.NULL_INT_VALUE);
        Float:              model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestFloat", NullConstants.NULL_FLOAT_VALUE);
        Duration:           DurationValue value = new DurationValue();
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestDuration", value);
        Model Link: 
                            ModelLinkAttributeValue modelLinkAttributeValue = new ModelLinkAttributeValue();
          Set the SysId to NULL Value:                
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestModelLink", modelLinkAttributeValue);
          Nullify the individuals fields of composite:   
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestCompositeAmount", NullConstants.NULL_DOUBLE_VALUE);
                            model.setAttribute("EPT.SampleEnterprise.TestCompositeCurrency", NullConstants.NULL_STRING_VALUE);
      attributeName - EPT defined attribute name
      value - new attribute value
    • getAttribute

      java.lang.Object getAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeName)
      Given a Attribute name, return the value of that Attribute.


       Object obj = model.getAttribute("EPT.ProgressiveRetailer.TestString");
      (EPT.ProgressiveRetailer.TestString is the attribute name)

      This method returns null if value is not exist for an attribute.

      attributeName - EPT defined attribute name
      attribute value
    • getRider

      <T extends Rider> T getRider​(java.lang.Class<T> cls, PlatformUserContext pltUsrContext)
      cls - Implementing class of Rider
      pltUsrContext - User Context
      Rider object associated with cls
    • getRider

      <T extends Rider> T getRider​(java.lang.Class<T> cls)
      cls - Implementing class of Rider
      Rider object associated with cls
    • getLastModifiedDate

      java.util.Calendar getLastModifiedDate()
      Last date/time when the model was modified
    • getLastModifiedUser

      java.lang.String getLastModifiedUser()
      username of the last user to modify the model
    • setLastModifiedDate

      void setLastModifiedDate​(java.util.Calendar val)
      val - last date/time when the model was modified
    • setLastModifiedUser

      void setLastModifiedUser​(java.lang.String val)
      val - username of the last user to modify the model