Class AddressValidationResult


public class AddressValidationResult
extends java.lang.Object
Represents the result from a AddressValidation request. The result can be considered either valid or not valid. Valid results have a suggested Address and possibly suggested changes. Not valid results will not have a suggested Address and will have at least one error message describing what went wrong.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getDefaultErrorMessage​(java.util.Locale locale)
    Returns a generic error message describing the issue with the AddressValidationResult.
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> getErrorMessages()
    Gets error messages for the Address Validation.
    java.util.List<AddressFieldChange> getFieldAdjustments()
    Returns a List of changes that were made (assuming the API supports this information) to the Address.
    java.util.Optional<Address> getSuggestedAddress()
    If the Address Validator was capable of determining a unique address the result will be an Address with all the fields modified to match what the validator suggested.
    static AddressValidationResult invalid​(java.lang.String... errors)
    Generates an AddressValidationResult with the given errors.
    static AddressValidationResult invalid​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> errors)
    Generates an AddressValidationResult with the given errors.
    boolean isValid()
    If the AddressValidator was able to determine a unique address matching the input Address.
    static AddressValidationResult success​(Address suggested, Address original)
    Generates an AddressValidationResult which successfully matched with an Address.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • success

      public static AddressValidationResult success​(Address suggested, Address original)
      Generates an AddressValidationResult which successfully matched with an Address. It will return true for isValid() and may suggested field changes.
    • invalid

      public static AddressValidationResult invalid​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> errors)
      Generates an AddressValidationResult with the given errors. Erorrs must not be null or empty. If it is, an Exception will be thrown.
    • invalid

      public static AddressValidationResult invalid​(java.lang.String... errors)
      Generates an AddressValidationResult with the given errors. Erorrs must not be null or empty. If it is, an Exception will be thrown.
    • getSuggestedAddress

      public java.util.Optional<Address> getSuggestedAddress()
      If the Address Validator was capable of determining a unique address the result will be an Address with all the fields modified to match what the validator suggested. If the Address Validator was not able to determine a unique address the result will be empty
    • getFieldAdjustments

      public java.util.List<AddressFieldChange> getFieldAdjustments()
      Returns a List of changes that were made (assuming the API supports this information) to the Address. If no changes are made then an empty List will be returned. (Not null)
    • getErrorMessages

      public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getErrorMessages()
      Gets error messages for the Address Validation. If no errors occurred then the resulting List will be empty (non-null).
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
      If the AddressValidator was able to determine a unique address matching the input Address. This does not necessarily mean that no adjustments were made, but it does mean that getSuggestedAddress() should return a usable value. If this returns false, the AddressValidator was not able to determine an Address that matched the provided values. This means that getSuggestedAddress() will not return a value.
    • getDefaultErrorMessage

      public java.lang.String getDefaultErrorMessage​(java.util.Locale locale)
      Returns a generic error message describing the issue with the AddressValidationResult. If no errors were found in the validation this will return null