Interface UserDefinedPageService

All Superinterfaces:

public interface UserDefinedPageService
extends Service
Service interface which allows you to register features for use within User-defined Pages.
  • Method Details

    • registerSynthetic1to1

      void registerSynthetic1to1​(SyntheticModel syntheticModel)
      Registers a synthetic 1-to-1 relationship between two models that already have a 1-to-many relationship through a model link field. For example, let's say we have models Classroom and Student. Student has a model link to Classroom, and another field CurrentlyPresenting (which indicates they are presenting something to the classroom). We can create a concept for the Classroom of a Currently Presenting Student by registering a synthetic 1-to-1 relationship: SyntheticModel syntheticModel = new SyntheticModel( "SHOW.CurrentlyPresentingStudent", Classroom.class, Student.class, "SHOW_STUDENT.SYS_CLASSROOM_ID = SHOW_CLASSROOM.SYS_CLASSROOM_ID AND SHOW_STUDENT.CURRENTLY_PRESENTING = 1", syntheticModelListener); udpService.registerSynthetic1to1(syntheticModel);
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the is not globally unique.
    • getSyntheticModels

      java.util.List<SyntheticModel> getSyntheticModels​(java.lang.Class<? extends Model> parentModelClass)
      Returns a list of all SyntheticModels for the given model class.
      parentModelClass -
    • getSyntheticModel

      SyntheticModel getSyntheticModel​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the SyntheticModel that is registered with this name or null if none is found.
      name -