Interface DataMeasure

public interface DataMeasure
A DataMeasure represents a single row in a view of a Timeline. The DataMeasure will have a single Bucketization (daily, weekly, etc), where each Bucket contains a value
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Bucket getBucket​(java.util.Date date)
    Returns the Bucket which includes the given Date.
    Bucketization getBucketization()
    Returns the Bucketization of this DataMeasure
    java.util.List<Bucket> getBucketsForWeek​(java.util.Date date)
    Return all Buckets for the entire week associated with the given date.
    java.util.List<DataMeasure> getChildren()
    Returns all children which have this DataMeasure as a parent - if it has no children, an empty list is returned.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getContext()
    Typically, a DataMeasure is uniquely identified by name.
    java.lang.String getName()
    Uniquely identifies this DataMeasure within its parent Timeline
    Timeline getTimeline()
    Returns the parent Timeline object
    java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()
    Timezone of DataMeasure
    boolean isHidden()
    Whether or not the data measure is hidden.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
      Uniquely identifies this DataMeasure within its parent Timeline
    • getBucket

      Bucket getBucket​(java.util.Date date)
      Returns the Bucket which includes the given Date.
      date - date which falls within the bucket to be fetched
    • getBucketsForWeek

      java.util.List<Bucket> getBucketsForWeek​(java.util.Date date)
      Return all Buckets for the entire week associated with the given date. This is useful when computing a weekly DataMeasure value using values from a different, daily DataMeasure.
      date - all Buckets which share the same week as this date will be returned
    • getBucketization

      Bucketization getBucketization()
      Returns the Bucketization of this DataMeasure
    • getTimeline

      Timeline getTimeline()
      Returns the parent Timeline object
    • getChildren

      java.util.List<DataMeasure> getChildren()
      Returns all children which have this DataMeasure as a parent - if it has no children, an empty list is returned. Only immediate children are returned, not children's children.
    • getContext

      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getContext()
      Typically, a DataMeasure is uniquely identified by name. However, it is possible to have multiple DataMeasures with the same name but different context if you use the ColumnHierarchy feature of the TLV. For example, I might have a DataMeasure "RequestQuantity" with a ColumnHierarchy for "Item" - this would give me one DataMeasure named "RequestQuantity" for every distinct Item selected in the results.

      The Map returned from this method returns all such context fields, keyed by field name.

    • getTimeZone

      java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()
      Timezone of DataMeasure
    • isHidden

      boolean isHidden()
      Whether or not the data measure is hidden.
      true if the data measure is hidden, false otherwise