Interface CsvService

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CsvService
extends Service
Service for converting between CSV and Model objects.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.util.List<Model> csvToModel​( csvData, java.lang.String inboundInterfaceName, java.lang.String inboundInterfaceVersion, PlatformUserContext platformUserContext)
    Given a stream of CSV data, uses the provided inbound interface (typically defined in the MPT) to convert the given CSV data to model objects.
    java.lang.String getFieldDelimiterFromInterface​(java.lang.String interfaceName, java.lang.String interfaceVersion, boolean isInbound, PlatformUserContext pltUsrContext)
    Returns the field delimiter used by the CsvInterface Default is "," (comma) modelToCsv​(ModelList<?> modelList, java.lang.String interfaceName, java.lang.String interfaceVersion, boolean isInbound, PlatformUserContext platformUserContext)
    Given a list of models in, this method uses the provided inbound or outbound interface to convert the given model objects to CSV data. modelToCsv​(ModelList<?> modelList, java.lang.String outboundInterfaceName, java.lang.String outboundInterfaceVersion, PlatformUserContext platformUserContext)
    Like modelToCsv(ModelList, String, String, boolean, PlatformUserContext), but assumes the interface is outbound.
    void transformFieldDelimiter​( in, char inDelimiter, out, char outDelimiter, PlatformUserContext pltUsrContext)
    Transforms the inputStream to change the delimiter to the one specified and writes the new payload to the outputStream.
  • Method Details

    • csvToModel

      java.util.List<Model> csvToModel​( csvData, java.lang.String inboundInterfaceName, java.lang.String inboundInterfaceVersion, PlatformUserContext platformUserContext)
      Given a stream of CSV data, uses the provided inbound interface (typically defined in the MPT) to convert the given CSV data to model objects. Please note that the Processor for the inbound interface will not be called. This method purely uses the Format of the interface to convert the CSV fields to Model fields.

      This code operates by looking for fields on Model level fields in the format and mapping those to the corresponding fields on the Model object. If there are errors in processing, like Date format errors/etc, the Model object will still be instantiated, but an Error will be set on the Model object to describe the parse error. (Also InputRefId will reference the row number using a zero-based index)

      For multi-level models, parent level data should be denormalized. For example, to instantiate two Shipments with two ShipmentLine children each, one might have:

      csvData - comma-separated data (or may use another delimiter if specified as such in the inbound interface)
      inboundInterfaceName - name of the inbound interface
      inboundInterfaceVersion - version of the inbound interface
      platformUserContext - caller's context
      Model objects
    • modelToCsv modelToCsv​(ModelList<?> modelList, java.lang.String outboundInterfaceName, java.lang.String outboundInterfaceVersion, PlatformUserContext platformUserContext)
      Like modelToCsv(ModelList, String, String, boolean, PlatformUserContext), but assumes the interface is outbound.
    • modelToCsv modelToCsv​(ModelList<?> modelList, java.lang.String interfaceName, java.lang.String interfaceVersion, boolean isInbound, PlatformUserContext platformUserContext)
      Given a list of models in, this method uses the provided inbound or outbound interface to convert the given model objects to CSV data. (Please note that the processor/generator for interface will not be called.) This method purely uses the Format of the interface to convert the Model fields to CSV fields.

      This code operates by looking for fields on Model level fields in the format and mapping those to the corresponding fields on the Model object.

      For multi-level models, parent level data will be denormalized. For example, given two Shipments with two ShipmentLine children each, the CSV generated will appear as:

      modelList -
      interfaceName -
      interfaceVersion -
      isInbound - true if interface is inbound, false ow
      platformUserContext -
      contains the CSV data
    • transformFieldDelimiter

      void transformFieldDelimiter​( in, char inDelimiter, out, char outDelimiter, PlatformUserContext pltUsrContext)
      Transforms the inputStream to change the delimiter to the one specified and writes the new payload to the outputStream. Note - Caller must close the streams because this can be used in conjunction with other transforms.
      in - InputStream of the orginal payload
      inDelimiter - current delimiter on the input payload
      out - OutputStream of the transformed payload
      outDelimiter - Custom delimiter that will be used for transformation of the payload
      pltUsrContext - Context contains user information who is performing this transformation
    • getFieldDelimiterFromInterface

      java.lang.String getFieldDelimiterFromInterface​(java.lang.String interfaceName, java.lang.String interfaceVersion, boolean isInbound, PlatformUserContext pltUsrContext)
      Returns the field delimiter used by the CsvInterface Default is "," (comma)
      interfaceName - name of the CsvInterface
      interfaceVersion - version of the CsvInterface
      isInbound - to indicate if the interface is inbound when set to true or outbound when set to false
      pltUsrContext - Context contains user information who is performing this transformation
      field delimiter used by the CsvInterface