Class EDIMapper


public abstract class EDIMapper
extends java.lang.Object
Abstract class for EDIMapper providing various methods for processing and creating EDI messages.

Implement this class to process an inbound EDI transaction set or generate an outbound EDI transaction set for the models.

Methods used for inbound (listed in order of necessity)

  1. (Required) parse(TransactionSet) - to parse the inbound transaction set and generate a ModelList
  2. (Optional) customize997(TransactionSet, FunctionalGroup) - Override this method only if the 997 generated for an inbound transaction set needs to be customized.
  3. (Optional) generateOutbound824(ModelList, EDIMessagingContext) - override this method to generate an outbound 824 for the workflow error response. Platform by default provides an implementation for this method to create a generic 824 for the workflow error.
  4. (Optional) generateOutbound824(EDI824ErrorDef) - Override this method only if the 824 generated for the errors captured EDI824ErrorDef needs to be customized. Platform provides default implementation to build an 824 using the error def.
  5. (Optional) receive997(TransactionSet) - When an inbound 997 transaction set is received by Platform, it passed it on to the mapper for any business process updates. NOTE: Platform handles the updates to EDIMessageQueue and the mapper does not need to handle that.
  6. (Optional) postWrite(ModelList, TransactionSet) - for any additional callbacks after the ModelWrite

Outbound methods

  1. (Required) convertToEDI(List) - to generate a list of EDI transaction set for the list of models
  2. (Required) convertToEDI(List, Map) - to generate a list of EDI transaction set for the list of models. The Map provides additional data derived from fetchAdditionalData(List)
  3. (Optional) convertToEDI(Model) - to generate a single EDI transaction set for the model
  4. (Optional) convertToEDI(Model, Map) - to generate a single EDI transaction set for the model. The Map provides additional data derived from fetchAdditionalData(List)
  5. (Optional) chooseOutboundQueue(Envelope, EDIMessagingContext) - implement this method to specify the outbound Queue that needs to be used. Platform uses generic outbox/EDI queue when none is specified otherwise.
  6. (Optional) preprocessOutboundEnvelope(Envelope, EDIMessagingContext) - When an outbound envelope needs to be massaged to update any value and is called as part of send()

Common methods needed for both inbound and outbound flow

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addTransactionReferences​(java.util.List<EdiMQTransRef> emqTransRefs, com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
    This method can be overridden by subclass mappers to provide the implementation for adding one or more EdiMQTransRef entries into the List present in the method parameter with related transaction ref number and it model level type.
    QueueRef chooseOutboundQueue​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope, EDIMessagingContext ctx)
    Override this method to choose the outbound queue for the given Envelope to be placed in.
    java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> convertToEDI​(java.util.List<? extends Model> modelList)
    Public method which is invoked to convert model/list of models to list of TransactionSet
    protected java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> convertToEDI​(java.util.List<? extends Model> modelList, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> additionalData)
    Implementing mappers are responsible for creation and population of TransactionSet (with all the required segments) from model list
    <T extends Model>
    convertToEDI​(T model)
    Public method which is invoked to convert a model to list of TransactionSet
    protected <T extends Model>
    convertToEDI​(T model, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> additionalData)
    Implement this method when a single model object needs to be converted into a list of transaction sets.
    java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> customize997​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet txnSetsOf997, com.americancoders.edi.FunctionalGroup funcGrpOfParentTxn)
    Override this method only when the outbound 997 payload needs to be customized for module/partner specific requirements.
    protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> fetchAdditionalData​(java.util.List<? extends Model> modelList)
    Fetches any data not on the given list of Model objects and puts into a Map.
    com.americancoders.edi.Envelope generateOutbound824​(ModelList wfResponse, EDIMessagingContext ediMessagingContext)
    Method which should be overridden by the module mappers to create outbound 824 envelope based on the workflow response which will be sent by the platform.
    com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet generateOutbound824​(EDI824ErrorDef edi824ErrorDef)
    Method to create outbound EDI 824 transaction set for the EDI824ErrorDef parameter.
    EDIMessagingContext getEDIMessagingContext()  
    QueueRef getInboundQueueToEnqueueTransactionSet​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
    Override this method when a specific queue needs to be used to process the inbound transaction set on the param.
    java.lang.String getOutboundFilename​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope)
    Override this method to provide outbound file name.
    Partner getPartner()
    Override this method to get the partner and populate it on EDIMessagingContext
    abstract ModelList parse​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
    Implement this method to parse the inbound transaction set and generate a ModelList along with the action to be used.
    void populateRefTransDetailsInEdiMsgQueue​(EdiMessageQueue ediMessageQueue, com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
    This method can be overridden by subclass mappers to provide the implementation for updating the edi message queue with transaction ref numbers ( primary , secondary , tertiary ) whichever applicable for the transaction set in picture.
    void populateRefTransNumberOn824​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope824, EDIMessagingContext ediMsgContext)
    Override this method when the reference transaction number on the 824 transaction set needs to be populated on a segment other than OTI.REF.
    void postWrite​(ModelList resp, com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
    Post processing of the transaction set writing.
    boolean preprocessOutboundEnvelope​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope, EDIMessagingContext ctx)
    Override this method to update the content of an outbound generated envelope just before sending.
    void receive997​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
    Override this method ONLY when module needs to perform any additional logic.
    void setEDIMessagingContext​(EDIMessagingContext messagingContext)  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • parse

      public abstract ModelList parse​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
      Implement this method to parse the inbound transaction set and generate a ModelList along with the action to be used.
      transactionSet -
    • convertToEDI

      protected java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> convertToEDI​(java.util.List<? extends Model> modelList, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> additionalData)
      Implementing mappers are responsible for creation and population of TransactionSet (with all the required segments) from model list
      modelList -
      additionalData - - derived from fetchAdditionalData(List)
    • convertToEDI

      protected <T extends Model> java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> convertToEDI​(T model, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> additionalData)
      Implement this method when a single model object needs to be converted into a list of transaction sets.
      model -
      additionalData -
    • convertToEDI

      public java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> convertToEDI​(java.util.List<? extends Model> modelList)
      Public method which is invoked to convert model/list of models to list of TransactionSet
      modelList -
    • convertToEDI

      public <T extends Model> java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> convertToEDI​(T model)
      Public method which is invoked to convert a model to list of TransactionSet
      model -
    • fetchAdditionalData

      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> fetchAdditionalData​(java.util.List<? extends Model> modelList)
      Fetches any data not on the given list of Model objects and puts into a Map. Separated from transform so that it can be reused by subclasses (o/w subclass may end up re-fetching same data) Note - Not an abstract method (as it should've been) to retain backward compatibility for existing mappers.
      List - modelList
      Map with additionalData (if any)
    • receive997

      public void receive997​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
      Override this method ONLY when module needs to perform any additional logic. PLT handles all updates to EdiMessageQueue whenever an inbound 997 is received. Hence modules NEED NOT do any bookkeeping.
      TransactionSet -
    • getEDIMessagingContext

      public EDIMessagingContext getEDIMessagingContext()
      the messagingContext
    • setEDIMessagingContext

      public void setEDIMessagingContext​(EDIMessagingContext messagingContext)
      messagingContext - the messagingContext to set
    • postWrite

      public void postWrite​(ModelList resp, com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
      Post processing of the transaction set writing.
      resp -
      transactionSet -
    • generateOutbound824

      public com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet generateOutbound824​(EDI824ErrorDef edi824ErrorDef) throws java.lang.Exception
      Method to create outbound EDI 824 transaction set for the EDI824ErrorDef parameter.
      edi824ErrorDef -
      EDI 824 TransactionSet
    • generateOutbound824

      public com.americancoders.edi.Envelope generateOutbound824​(ModelList wfResponse, EDIMessagingContext ediMessagingContext) throws java.lang.Exception
      Method which should be overridden by the module mappers to create outbound 824 envelope based on the workflow response which will be sent by the platform. If mapper decides that 824 is not required for a particular scenario, return null.
      wfResponse -
      ediMessagingContext -
      the EDI 824 envelope created
    • customize997

      public java.util.List<com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet> customize997​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet txnSetsOf997, com.americancoders.edi.FunctionalGroup funcGrpOfParentTxn)
      Override this method only when the outbound 997 payload needs to be customized for module/partner specific requirements. The default payload is the one that is created by PLT as part of parse/validation.
      txnSetOf997 - - the transactionSet of 997 created by PLT
      funcGrpOfParentTxn - - the functional group of the parent transaction that is being validated/parsed.
      ediMessagingContext -
      List of 997 transaction sets
    • populateRefTransDetailsInEdiMsgQueue

      public void populateRefTransDetailsInEdiMsgQueue​(EdiMessageQueue ediMessageQueue, com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
      This method can be overridden by subclass mappers to provide the implementation for updating the edi message queue with transaction ref numbers ( primary , secondary , tertiary ) whichever applicable for the transaction set in picture. If the implementation is not available in the child mapper, the default behavior is not to update the edi message queue with the ref nos.
      ediMessageQueue -
      transactionSet -
    • addTransactionReferences

      public void addTransactionReferences​(java.util.List<EdiMQTransRef> emqTransRefs, com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
      This method can be overridden by subclass mappers to provide the implementation for adding one or more EdiMQTransRef entries into the List present in the method parameter with related transaction ref number and it model level type. All the entries in the list of EdiMQTransRef will be related to the EdiMessageQueue for the transaction set in picture. If the implementation is not available in the child mapper, the default behavior is to not create any EdiMQTransRef entries for the edi message queue.
      emqTransRefs -
      transactionSet -
    • getPartner

      public Partner getPartner()
      Override this method to get the partner and populate it on EDIMessagingContext
      Partner using sender/receiver Ids on inbound EDI.
    • preprocessOutboundEnvelope

      public boolean preprocessOutboundEnvelope​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope, EDIMessagingContext ctx)
      Override this method to update the content of an outbound generated envelope just before sending. Should return "true" if you want the EDIMapperFactory's populateEnvelope to be skipped, "false" if it should still be called. By default, this method does nothing and returns "false".
    • chooseOutboundQueue

      public QueueRef chooseOutboundQueue​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope, EDIMessagingContext ctx)
      Override this method to choose the outbound queue for the given Envelope to be placed in. Return null to fall back on the outbound queue selection of the factory.
    • populateRefTransNumberOn824

      public void populateRefTransNumberOn824​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope824, EDIMessagingContext ediMsgContext)
      Override this method when the reference transaction number on the 824 transaction set needs to be populated on a segment other than OTI.REF. Default behavior is to populate the ref trans number on the REG segment within OTI.
      envelope824 - - envelope of the EDI 824
      ediMsgContext -
    • getInboundQueueToEnqueueTransactionSet

      public QueueRef getInboundQueueToEnqueueTransactionSet​(com.americancoders.edi.TransactionSet transactionSet)
      Override this method when a specific queue needs to be used to process the inbound transaction set on the param. If no such config is required, then return null. PLT will use the queue returned to enqueue the individual transaction set. If this method returns null, PLT proceeds to use the same queue as the original payload was received.
      transactionSet -
      QueueRef to be used to enqueue the transactionSet
    • getOutboundFilename

      public java.lang.String getOutboundFilename​(com.americancoders.edi.Envelope envelope)
      Override this method to provide outbound file name. Also refer the config in MessageDestination which control the actual outbound file name.
      envelope -
      outbound file name