Class NeoGlobalSidebar


public class NeoGlobalSidebar
extends NeoContainer
Represents an instance of the Global sidebar of the NEO UI
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • NeoGlobalSidebar

      public NeoGlobalSidebar​(NeoUIContext context, org.openqa.selenium.WebElement el)
      Parameterized constructor to create an instance of NeoGlobalSidebar which can be used to perform different operations like openAlertWidget, perform global search etc
      context -
      el -
    • NeoGlobalSidebar

      public NeoGlobalSidebar​(NeoUIContext context)
      Default constructor to create an instance of NeoGlobalSidebar which can be used to perform different operations like openAlertWidget, perform global search etc
      context -
      el -
  • Method Details

    • switchToHome

      public void switchToHome()
      Switches the active Perspective to the Home screen of the user
    • manageFavorites

      public void manageFavorites()
      Opens the Manage Favorites Screen and returns its NeoPerspective
    • openFavorites

      public void openFavorites​(java.lang.String favoriteName)
      Opens the favorite from a list of favorite menus based on the name of parameter passed
      favoriteName -
    • openPerspective

      public void openPerspective​(java.lang.String perspectiveName)
      This method opens a NeoPerspective from a list of open perspective based on the name passed in the parameter
      perspectiveName -
    • closePerpective

      public void closePerpective​(java.lang.String perspectiveName)
      This method closes the NeoPerspective from the list of opened perpective based on the name in the parameter
      perspectiveName -
    • openFrequentlyVisited

      public void openFrequentlyVisited​(java.lang.String freqVisitedName)
      Opens the Frequently visited Screens by the user
    • openQuickLinks

      public void openQuickLinks​(java.lang.String... quickLinkPath)
      Opens the Quick Link from a list of Quick Links menus based on the name of parameter passed
      quickLinkPath -
    • getNeoProblemWidget

      public NeoProblemWidget getNeoProblemWidget()
      Opens the Problem widget present on the Global Side bar and returns the Alert Widget object
    • openProblem

      public void openProblem​(java.lang.String problemName, java.lang.String severity)
      Opens the problem perspective based on the problem name and severity provided Please note the problem count must be non-zero. zero valued elements are non-clickable
      problemName -
      severity -
    • getNeoAlertWidget

      public NeoAlertWidget getNeoAlertWidget()
      Opens the Alert widget present on the Global Side bar and returns the Alert Widget object
    • openAlert

      public void openAlert​(java.lang.String alertName, java.lang.String priority)
      Opens the alert perspective based on the alert name and priority provided Please note the problem count must be non-zero. zero valued elements are non-clickable
      alertName -
      priority -
    • globalSearch

      public NeoGlobalSearch globalSearch()
      Returns an instance of NeoGlobalSearch component that can be used perform search tasks. Currently contains NeoTextField TODO add combo fields and check boxes functionality
    • openPerspectiveFromMenuUsingControl

      public void openPerspectiveFromMenuUsingControl​(java.lang.String... path)
    • menuSearch

      public NeoMenuSearch menuSearch()
      Returns an instance of NeoMenuSearch component that can be used to perform menu search.
    • openMenuSlideout

      public void openMenuSlideout()
      Opens the Menu/Fav present on the Global Side bar
    • closeMenuSlideout

      public void closeMenuSlideout()
      Closes the Menu/Fav present on the Global Side bar
    • closeSlideout

      public void closeSlideout()
      Closes currently opened Slideout
    • closeSlideoutUsingActions

      public void closeSlideoutUsingActions()
      Closes currently opened Slideout using Actions